David Copper Mug


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David Copper Mug

David Copper Mug

David Copper Mug | I absolutely love @timfederle’s books “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margarita” and “Tequila Mockingbird” as they combine two of my favorite things: cocktails and books. This recipe was inspired by David Copperfield, which was published in 1849. #ahastycocktail

- 2oz Vodka (I prefer @titosvodka)
- 1/2 oz lime juice
- Ginger beer
- 1/2 oz red wine
- Lime wheel for garnish

Mules are traditionally served in a copper mug…and the name of the drink is David Copper Mug so you should really use a copper mug if you have one. Fill it with ice and vodka and lime juice. Top with ginger beer. To float the red wine on top, you’ll want to slowly pour it over the back of a spoon. To be honest, the copper mug was so dark you couldn’t tell that the red wine was floating, which is a bummer. Garnish with a lime wheel and, as Tim Federle wrote, “enjoy the dickens out of it.”

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