The Other Windsor Girl


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The Other Windsor Girl

The Other Windsor Girl

Book Review - The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock

Book Review - The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock

Book Review - The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock

I heard about this book in May and started my campaign to review this book by reaching out to the author and her publicist. It was on my must-read list as soon as I saw the cover. If any book blogger is going to read and review a historical novel about royalty it is going to be me. Right? It is so perfectly in my wheelhouse with the fashion history connection. I was on a mission to get an ARC of this book. Luckily, the author responded immediately and put me in touch with her publicist. I was prepared to work hard for that copy but the author made it so easy for me….a big thanks to Georgie for making this happen for me!

Book Review - The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock

Book Review - The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock

Usually, I have to power through a book in one week to stay on schedule. But I was a little ahead of schedule when I started this book so I had several weeks before I needed to finish it. This allowed me to savor this book over time and let the characters live with me for a little longer than I’m used to. I cherished the opportunity to slow down a little and enjoy the process of reading a book.

The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock is about The Honorable Vera Strathmore, a lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret (who is notorious for drinking, smoking, partying and her relationship with Captain Peter Townsend which was forbidden by her sister, Queen Elizabeth.) Through Vera’s eyes we get a glimpse into the glamorous life of Princess Margaret's “Set” a group of close friends/employees who served the Princess day and night. Vera is also an author, struggling to balance her duties to the Princess and maintaining a sense of self.

Book Review - The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock

Book Review - The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock

I had such fun reading this book. It reminded me a lot of The Crown, which will be returning on November 17th with season 3. Many of the scenes in the book were also in the last season of the Netflix show. I enjoyed comparing the scenes as they were written in this book to how I remembered them from The Crown. If you’re a fan of the show, you’ll definitely enjoy this book!

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Georgie Blalock

Georgie Blalock

8 Books Coming Out in November

8 Books Coming Out in November