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Georgie Blalock

Georgie Blalock

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Author I draw inspiration from: I admire so many great authors that it’s hard to pick just one. I’m going to go with a few classics, Oscar Wilde for sharp witty dialogue, W. Somerset Maugham for great insight into characters and D.H. Lawrence for well developed internal monologue.

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Favorite place to read a book: My favorite place to read is in bed at night. Reading helps me to relax and it’s a great way to end a busy day.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I’d love to meet the Vicomte de Valmont from Dangerous Liaisons. He’s sexy, wicked, witty and just downright evil. It makes his redemption and regret at the end so powerful.

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I’ve known for so long that I wanted to be an author that I can’t pinpoint the exact moment. However, it took me a while to get to novel writing. I began my professional writing career writing marketing videos and public service announcements for a small cable TV station in San Diego. I’d always dreamed of being a screenwriter so I moved to Los Angeles and earned my MA in screenwriting. I never conquered Hollywood but I’d always enjoyed reading romance novels, and one day I started writing one. It was a Regency romance and it went on to become my first published novel.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:  I love paperbacks because I enjoy holding a book and the ease of being able to open to any page and not wait for the battery to charge, the tablet to update or the internet signal to be strong.

The last book I read: I’m always reading more than one book at a time, usually a mix of historical non-fiction and fiction. The last non-fiction book I read is 1939: The Last Seasons by Anne de Courcy for research for my next novel. The last novel I read is The Gown by Jennifer Robson.

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Pen & paper or computer: My laptop is where I do my writing. My handwriting is too awful for me to try to read what I’ve written.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Fran Goldsmith from The Stand. That is my favorite book and she seems so down to earth and strong but with a good amount of optimism in the face of a tough situation.

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

The Stand
By Stephen King
Buy on Amazon

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: If I wasn’t an author I’d probably be a historian, perhaps an Egyptologist.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I love late Victorian fashion, especially the gorgeous Worth gowns. I’d be willing to suffer in a corset to have a smaller waist and a beautiful wardrobe.

Place I’d most like to travel: I love England and I’ve allowed far too many years to pass since I was last there.

My signature drink: Diet Pepsi is my signature drink. You can tell how much pressure I’m under by how many cans I’ve consumed.

Favorite artist: I love Jacques-Louis David, especially his portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte’s nieces at the Getty Museum.

Number one on my bucket list: I would love to visit Egypt. I love ancient Egypt and I want to see all the ruins that I’ve read so much about.

Find more from Georgie Blalock:

Website – www.GeorgieBlalock.com

Instagram - @GeorgieBlalock

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GeorgieBlalock

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

Author Interview - Georgie Blalock

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