A Place Called Zamora
Book Feature - A Place Called Zamora by LB Gschwandtner
HBL Note: A Place Called Zamora by LB Gschwandtner is being touted as perfect for fans of Divergent, Maze Runner, and Hunger Games. It was also listed on Buzzfeed's 12 Most Anticipated YA, MG, And Children's Books For Back To School roundup. But I wanted to feature it because it is the perfect read before the upcoming election, as it is filled with political corruption. The author has this to say to readers of A Place Called Zamora:
We all have a voice and this story is my way of making my voice heard. Of course I hope you enjoy reading A Place Called Zamora for in essence it is a story about people struggling to survive, but more than that, I hope this story will illustrate in some ways how insidious and evil corruption is and how it eats away at the fabric of a society.
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Book Feature - A Place Called Zamora by LB Gschwandtner
Book Feature - A Place Called Zamora by LB Gschwandtner
From the publisher:
Niko and El are trapped in a politically corrupt dystopian city where brutality rules. After winning a cynical race where only one rider can survive, Niko tosses aside his chance to join the city’s corrupt inner circle by choosing lovely, innocent El as his prize—thus upsetting the ruling order and placing them both in mortal danger. With the Regime hunting them and the children of the city fomenting a guerrilla revolt, the two attempt a daring escape to the possibly mythical utopia, Zamora. But as events unfold, the stirrings of love El once felt for Niko begin to morph into mistrust and fear. If they reach Zamora, will Niko ever claim his secret birthright? And what will the future hold if he loses El’s love?
Book Feature - A Place Called Zamora by LB Gschwandtner