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LB Gschwandtner

LB Gschwandtner

Author Interview - LB Gschwandtner

Author of A Place Called Zamora.

“ Niko and El are trapped in a politically corrupt dystopian city where brutality rules. After winning a cynical race where only one rider can survive, Niko tosses aside his chance to join the city's corrupt inner circle by choosing lovely, innocent El as his prize--thus upsetting the ruling order and placing them both in mortal danger. With the Regime hunting them and the children of the city fomenting a guerrilla revolt, the two attempt a daring escape to the possibly mythical utopia, Zamora. But as events unfold, the stirrings of love El once felt for Niko begin to morph into mistrust and fear. If they reach Zamora, will Niko ever claim his secret birthright? And what will the future hold if he loses El's love?”

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Author I draw inspiration from: With this particular book the inspiration started with news stories about an abandoned high rise in Caracas Venezuela... how squatters occupied it and created their own mini community of thousands within a city that was disintegrating below them. The high rise was known as The Tower Of David.

Favorite place to read a book: My electric recliner

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Lara from Dr. Zhivago

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When my seventh grade English teacher read an essay of mine to the class.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: usually paperback but I like books on Kindle

The last book I read: 100 Years of Solitude

Pen & paper or computer: computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Auntie Mame

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: an artist

Favorite decade in fashion history: 1960s

Place I’d most like to travel: Norway

My signature drink: vodka

Favorite artist: Kandinsky

Number one on my bucket list: To go to Bali where I hear everyone is an artist of some kind

Anything else you'd like to add: I love what readers bring to my fiction. I love being surprised by what readers say.

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.facebook.com/LBGschwandtner/

  • http://www.lbgschwandtner.com/

  • @LBGwriter

  • @lbgwriter

Author Bio: LB GSCHWANDTNER is the author of five adult novels, one middle grade novel, and one collection of quirky short stories. She has won writing awards in various literary contests, Independent Publishing awards and been published in literary digests and magazines. She lives in Virginia with her husband. Her book, The Other New Girl, was published in September, 2017. Her next novel, A Place Called Zamora will be released in Sept 2020

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The Wreckage of Us

The Wreckage of Us

A Place Called Zamora

A Place Called Zamora