Author Interview with Carol M. Cram


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Carol M. Cram

Carol M. Cram

Author Interview - Carol M. Cram

Author of Love Among the Recipes.

“Discover love in all its flavors in this fun, food-infused romp through Paris that is as crisp, sweet, and smooth as the perfect macaron. Paris may be for lovers, but cookbook author Genna McGraw is definitely not looking for love. She’s looking for escape and she's looking for a good runny Brie to pair with a smooth Bordeaux. Where better than Paris? In Love Among the Recipes, Genna goes to the City of Light to get away from her philandering husband and write a “crossover cookbook/guidebook” that matches Parisian sights such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre with recipes for bistro-style French dishes. She also dabbles in romance with dishy French lawyer Pierre Leblanc and makes friends at her French class with Colorado transplant Marsha Renfrew and her snooty English boyfriend. And then there’s big, blunt Bill Turner from Australia. Does he really eat crocodile steaks for tea? But when Genna’s family crashes her new life in Paris, a crisis forces her to choose how she wants to live. Will she have the courage to embrace an uncertain future and risk losing everything?”

Author Interview - Carol M. Cram

Author Interview - Carol M. Cram

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Author I draw inspiration from: Jane Austen because she's not only insightful but funny

Favorite place to read a book: On the couch! While on a plane is a close second.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Sherlock Holmes from the Arthur Conan Doyle novels would be very amusing to chat with. I'd like to ask for tips about how to hone one's observational skills--very useful for a novelist.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I was in Grade 2 and I read a story I'd written in front of the class. When everyone applauded, I knew I'd found what I wanted to do with my life.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: ebook because I can read them anywhere. However, I love listening to audiobook when I'm driving.

The last book I read: I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum

Pen & paper or computer: Computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Emma in "Emma" by Jane Austen because she's intelligent, witty, interesting, and a bit deluded. She'd probably be a good conversationalist when she's not matchmaking.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Teacher (which I was for several decades!).

Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1960s which dates me but I loved wearing mini skirts and super bright colors, particularly fishnet stockings in every color of the rainbow.

Place I’d most like to travel: India

My signature drink: Rum & Coke

Favorite artist: Vincent van Gogh

Number one on my bucket list: Write a bestseller that really touches and entertains people.

Anything else you'd like to add: I feel extremely fortunate to be doing exactly what I want to do with my life which is writing novels. While attracting more readers is a top writing-related goals, the real satisfaction comes from doing the work word after word, day after day until a novel comes together to be edited, polished, and finally introduced to the world. I love the creative process even when I don't. There is nothing else I've ever done in my life that so wonderfully combines frustration with elation.

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Author Bio: Carol M. Cram loves the arts, food, travel, and writing novels about people who follow their passions.

Carol writes about women in the arts in her three award-winning novels of historical fiction, The Towers of Tuscany, A Woman of Note, and The Muse of Fire and matches her travel-inspired vignettes with pastel drawings created by her husband, Canadian artist Gregg Simpson, in Pastel & Pen: Travels in Europe. In her latest novel, Love Among the Recipes, Carol writes about a woman searching for new passions amid the sights and tastes of Paris.

She also expresses her enthusiasm for the written word, the arts, and her love of travel on Artsy Traveler ( and Art In Fiction (, and on the Art In Fiction Podcast where she chats with authors who write novels inspired by the arts. In addition, she teaches writing courses and mentors new authors—one of her favorite things to do.

Carol is the author of over sixty best selling college textbooks in computer applications and communications for Cengage Learning and was also on faculty at Capilano University in North Vancouver for two over decades. She holds an MA in Drama from the University of Toronto and an MBA from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. She lives with her husband, painter Gregg Simpson, on beautiful Bowen Island near Vancouver, BC, where she also teaches Nia, a holistic dance/fitness practice.

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Love Among the Recipes

Love Among the Recipes