Midnight Sparkler


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Midnight Sparkler

Midnight Sparkler

Halloween is right around the corner! If you’re hosting a party (or sitting around waiting for trick-or-treaters) then I’d recommend mixing up this Midnight Sparkler Cocktail!


  • 2oz crème de violette

  • 1oz orange juice

  • 1oz fresh lemon juice

  • 1oz gin (@tanquerayusa Malacca, of course! Is there anything else at this point?)

  • Prosecco

  • Edible glitter for garnish

Take your drinking vessel of choice (I’m using these vintage 1950s martini glasses I picked up at a garage sale this summer!) and dip the rim in lemon juice. Then dip in edible glitter. Set glass aside (I put my in the fridge for a chilled glass, which was a nice effect.) In a shaker, combine crème de violet, orange juice, lemon juice and gin. Shake with ice like you mean it! Pour into glasses and top with Prosecco!

Serving size: 2

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