Lady Bramble


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Lady Bramble

Lady Bramble

Meet Lady Bramble, my take on the classic cocktail The Pink Lady. I always love a cocktail with some history and mystery. No one really knows the origins of The Pink Lady…some attribute it to Elsie de Wolfe, an actress and interior designer. Others attribute it to the 1911 broadway musical of the same name and the star of the show, Hazel Dawn, who was known as The Pink Lady. My Lady Bramble was inspired by this classic but with a little @cardinalspirits twist!

- 1.5 oz gin (you know what kind!)
- 1 oz @cardinalspirits Bramble (a generous 1 oz 😉)
- 3/4 oz Simple Syrup
- 1 oz Heavy Cream

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake like you mean it. Pour into your favorite drinking vessel. You might consider garnishing with raspberries or a sugar rim.

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