Chocolate Toasted Almond


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Chocolate Toasted Almond

Chocolate Toasted Almond

Chocolate Toasted Almond - the perfect dessert cocktail on a cool, rainy night. Although this is a chilled drink, the coffee and amaretto liqueurs provide a warm and cozy feeling.

- 1.5 oz @cardinalspirits Songbird coffee liqueur
- 1.5 oz @luxardo amaretto
- 1 oz heavy cream
- Melted chocolate chips for garnish

For the garnish, melt chocolate chips in the microwave adding a little vegetable oil to make it thinner and more “pourable.” Put the chocolate mixture in a squirt bottle and squirt chocolate designs directly onto the martini glass. Place martini glass in the refrigerator to allow chocolate to set. On wax paper, make more chocolate designs - just squiggle marks will do! Play around with it - have fun - bring out your inner abstract artist. Place designs in the refrigerator to set (I left mine for about an hour.) For the cocktail: mix Cardinal Spirits Songbird coffee liquor, amaretto, and heavy cream in a shaker with ice. Shake like you mean it. Pour into your chilled martini glass. Enjoy! 

PRO TIP: Double the recipe, you’ll probably want a second glass. :)



Lady Bramble

Lady Bramble