Those People


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Those People

Those People

Book Feature - Those People by Louise Candlish

Book Feature - Those People by Louise Candlish

Book Feature - Those People by Louise Candlish

HBL Note: Remember how much I loved Our House by Louise Candlish? If not, check out those links for my review and author interview from last summer (pics are from my vacation to Kauai, Hawaii!) That ending! I still can’t get over it. So it is no surprise that when I was offered an ARC of Louise’s next book, I jumped all over that opportunity. If I’m being completely honest, the description of this book’s plot doesn’t excite me. But I’m such a fan of this author, that I have no doubt this will be a phenomenal book that will be very difficult to put down.

Book Feature - Those People by Louise Candlish

Book Feature - Those People by Louise Candlish

From the publisher:

From the author of the international bestseller Our House, a new novel of twisty domestic suspense asks, “Could you hate your neighbor enough to plot to kill him?”

Lowland Way is the suburban dream. The houses are beautiful, the neighbors get along, and the kids play together on weekends.

But when Darren and Jodie move into the house on the corner, they donʼt follow the rules. They blast music at all hours, begin an unsightly renovation, and run a used-car business from their yard. It doesn’t take long for an all-out war to start brewing.

Then, early one Saturday, a horrific death shocks the street. As police search for witnesses, accusations start flying—and everyone has something to hide.

Those People
By Louise Candlish
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Book Feature - Those People by Louise Candlish

Book Feature - Those People by Louise Candlish

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.


Jennifer Estep

Jennifer Estep