
Welcome to Hasty Book List, where I document and review the books I read. Hope you have a nice stay!

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Acknowledging gratitude can start early with our children. Talking with your child about things you are grateful for, and then asking your child what they are grateful for, helps children become aware of blessings they have around them. Be Thankful, Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen is a darling way to start this conversation. It is a quality board book with delightful illustrations. The actual story is very short, but there is a lot to talk about with your child.

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Another great book is Bad Kitty Does NOT like THANKSGIVING by Nick Bruel. This charming book is all about the mischief of Bad Kitty, who wants to have all the Thanksgiving turkey to himself. The illustrations are funny and the expressions on the cat’s face will make you laugh. A fun picture book to read on Thanksgiving Day! Plus, bonus stickers!

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

Thanksgiving Books for Your Pre-K Children

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Every Stolen Breath

Every Stolen Breath

Georgie Blalock

Georgie Blalock