Not That I Could Tell


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Not That I Could Tell

Not That I Could Tell

Book Review - Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

I selected Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser as my March Book of the Month - yes, I'm SO far behind in reading my BOTM selections. And truth be told, I didn't really read this one. True to form, I listened to this one via Audible on my last drive between Bloomington, IN and St. Louis, MO. I still can't believe I won't be making that long commute anymore! Part of me is panicking - I just quit my job without a backup plan. The other part of me is totally relieved that I can live a more normal life.

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

My husband and I took these pictures at this gorgeous fountain located outside the Ritz Carlton hotel in Clayton, MO. I first noticed this fountain when I was visiting Whitebox Eatery for a Frothy Friday post (not familiar with Frothy Friday? Check out these posts on Instagram!) When I saw the fountain I knew I'd be back to take some photos. My husband and I had been in the city for brunch and a visit to the St. Louis Art Museum when we decided we needed a little afternoon boost, so we got iced coffees at Kaldis. Eric spotted the fountain and suggested we do photos right there!

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

This week is entirely dedicated to this book. On Wednesday I'm profiling Danielle Christopher, the book jacket designer. And isn't it such a great book cover? Then, on Thursday, I'm interviewing the author, Jessica Strawser. So this whole week will be about the village that helped bring this book to the public and to this blog!

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser reminded me a little bit of Big Little Lies...just a little bit. It is about a group of neighborhood women who have a fun evening drinking wine by the campfire. But when they wake the next morning, one of the women is missing. Did she leave on her own accord or did something terrible happen to her? Typical of small-town neighborhoods, everyone knows something about the neighbors...but no one knows the whole story. This book comes back to that question, do we ever really know what's happening in other people's houses.

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

Reading Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO

I enjoyed reading/listening to this book. It was entertaining almost immediately and I was so curious about what happened. At one point (and keep in mind I'm driving down a highway, by myself) I literally yelled at a character as she was walking into danger. I mean, when the reader (listener?) gets that into the story you know it was well-written and well-performed by the narrator!

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Book Jacket Designs by Danielle Christopher

Book Jacket Designs by Danielle Christopher

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5 Books I Received by Surprise