Kimmery Martin


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Kimmery Martin

Kimmery Martin

Author Interview - Kimmery Martin

Author I draw inspiration from: Bill Bryson, because it takes a special level of genius to make every single sentence you write entertaining. Most authors have at least some boring sentences—if not entire pages—but not Bryson. He’s a master wordsmith.

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: author she draws inspiration from

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: author she draws inspiration from

Favorite place to read a book: I have emergency books stashed everywhere in my house in case of boredom but there is nothing better than reading in my bed. Here’s how big a book nerd I am: I bought a special old-people bed with a remote control that allows me to turn the whole thing into a kind of chaise lounge so I can read sitting up. My husband thinks I’m insane. 

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Mark Darcy, from Bridget Jones. But basically I’d go with anyone who’s not Hannibal Lecter or that guy from Fifty Shades of Grey.

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: book character she'd like to be stuck in an elevator with

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: book character she'd like to be stuck in an elevator with

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I don’t know if I could pin it to an exact moment, because I was very young when I first thought of writing. As a child, I was entranced with Eloise, and a bit later, with Harriet The Spy, so evidently I favor female protagonists who are smart, roguish, and creative. Somewhere along the line it dawned on me that I could invent one of those myself, although it took me an embarrassingly long time to actually try it. 

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: the moment she knew she wanted to be an author

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: the moment she knew she wanted to be an author

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback! I feel some guilt about the trees, though.

The last book I read: Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. I’m a science freak.

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: the last book she read

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: the last book she read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. Although, sadly, I never learned to type.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Harriet Cleve Dufresnes, from Donna Tartt’s The Little Friend. I love everything about that kid.

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: the book character she'd want to be best friends with

Interview with Kimmery Martin, author of The Queen of Hearts: the book character she'd want to be best friends with

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Well, I am a doctor, so there’s that. But if I had to pick a third career, it would be interior designer.  

Favorite decade in fashion history: Oh geez! Hard one! Maybe the 60s because I love that long full flippy hair (Twiggy notwithstanding) and the glamorous eye makeup, pale lips, and short dresses. 

Place I’d most like to travel: Everywhere! I’m a travel junkie—and I do some travel blogging— I'm but not the kind who enjoys roughing it. I think for my next really big trip, I’d like to see the mega-cities of Asia: Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore. I have some scenes set in Hong Kong and Singapore in a biotech-themed book I’d like to finish someday, so it would totally be a work expense.

My signature drink: Kentucky Mule. Or any really nice bourbon on the rocks.

Favorite artist: As far as art that I actually own, I like Harry Guttman—he does these marvelous melted-looking cityscapes that intrigue me. I also like anything handmade and crafty—pottery, especially. For unaffordable famous artists, there are too many to name.

Number one on my bucket list: Uh, well, I’d like to write a critically acclaimed bestseller but if that is not in the cards, then I would like to journey to every continent. And publish a travelogue about it.

Anything else you'd like to add: You can visit my website— —to read some of my own book recommendations and travel writing. Thank you for the interview!

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Book Jacket Designs by Colleen Reinhart

Book Jacket Designs by Colleen Reinhart

The Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts