Ione Butler: Audiobook Narrator
Ione Butler: Audiobook Narrator
Audiobook Narrator for Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert.
Ione is a British born actress, host, voice over artist and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, CA.
Ione’s first passion was acting, she loved the buzz she got from telling stories and affecting people through her performances. She has starred in numerous feature films, television shows, commercials and traveled the world playing Susanna Moyer in “Ingress”, the original game from the creators of Pokemon Go.
In 2016 Ione decided to pursue her second love, being of service and helping others. She was tired of the Hollywood hustle and instead put her focus and attention on her own projects. In March 2016 she launched Uplifting Content (formerly Unified Soul Theory) an inspirational digital platform with a following of 1.3M+ across social media channels.
Ione Butler: Audiobook Narrator
How did you prepare to narrate Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert.?
I read the book through, making a note of all the different charcters and accents using iAnnotate an app on my ipad. Then I recorded the book over about 5 sessions.
Ione Butler: Audiobook Narrator
Other work by Ione Butler:
I am the author of my own book Uplifting Stories which will be released September 22nd
I am the founder of Uplifting Content a social media platform that creates and shares inspirational content
I have a glamping rental in Joshua Tree
And I'm a VO artist and actress
More on Uplifting Content:
Uplifting Content:
Create and share uplifting content from incredible people, companies and organisations.
Has a blog full of uplifting stories and articles offering advice.
Encourage people to be of service by helping them to promote their cause and inspire others to take action and support in whatever way they can, be it by donating their time, money, skills or resources.
Give away free things from partner brands that have incredible products or services of value...Ione basically wants to be like Oprah!
Has a website which is a hub of inspiration and has a member forum for the community.
Has a clothing line and each month a new design is released with a beautiful message behind it. 10% of the net profits from the clothing line go to one or more of the causes they help promote.
Ione is passionate about inspiring people to live their dream life and be of service. She is a champion of anyone one who is on a mission to help others and the planet. She likes to speak on topics such as, personal development, transformation, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, spirituality, health and wellness, vegetarianism, travel and love.
More books narrated by Ione Butler:
I would love to share with you the audiobook for my book which is being released September 22nd by Simon and Schuster. It was supposed to be released in April but due to COVID-19 the date was pushed back. Here's some info about it:
The book is a collection of 19 true inspirational stories, I interviewed all the guests and from those interviews, the stories were written, I'm really proud of the audiobook as I recorded and produced it myself interweaving clips from the interviews with my narration so you really get to hear the voice of the guests.
Ione Butler: Audiobook Narrator
Ione Butler: Audiobook Narrator
Ione Butler: Audiobook Narrator
Learn more about Ione Butler here:
@ionebutler on Instagram/ IG and FB/ Linkedin
@upliftingcontent on Instagram and FB
@upliftingcont on twitter