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Sinking Islands

Sinking Islands

Book Feature - Sinking Islands by Cai Emmons

HBL Note: Although SINKING ISLANDS by Cai Emmons is a sequel to Weather Woman, it can also easily be read as a stand-alone novel. In Weather Woman, we meet Bronwyn Artair an MIT dropout who discovers she can control the weather with her mind. In SINKING ISLANDS, Bronwyn struggles to come to terms with what this power means to the world at large and attempts to teach others the power in hopes to help the planet. Cai Emmons describes herself as “weather- and climate-obsessed” which I think is evident, in a beautiful way, in both of these novels. Scroll down to read more.

PS - is that book cover beautiful or what?!

Book Feature - Sinking Islands by Cai Emmons

Book Feature - Sinking Islands by Cai Emmons

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Book Feature - Sinking Islands by Cai Emmons

Book Feature - Sinking Islands by Cai Emmons

From the publisher:

Sinking Islands continues the story of Bronwyn Artair, a scientist who possesses the power to influence the natural forces of the Earth. After several successful interventions, including one in Siberia, she has gone into hiding, worried about unintended consequences of her actions, as well as about the ethics of operating solo. But circumstances call her to action again, and an idea takes shape: What if she could impart her skill to other people? Gathering a few kindred souls from climate-troubled places around the world—Felipe from São Paulo, where drought conditions are creating strains on day-to-day life; Analu and his daughter Penina from a sinking island in the South Pacific; and Patty from the tornado-ridden plains of Kansas—she takes them to the wilds of Northern New Hampshire where she tries to teach them her skill. The novel, realistic but for the single fantastical element, explores how we might become more attuned to the Earth and act more collaboratively to solve the enormity of our climate problem.

Book Feature - Sinking Islands by Cai Emmons

Book Feature - Sinking Islands by Cai Emmons

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Cai Emmons

Cai Emmons

Naomi Ragen

Naomi Ragen