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Naomi Ragen

Naomi Ragen

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen

Author of An Observant WIfe

In this rich and compassionate new novel, Naomi Ragen continues the love story between newly observant California-girl Leah and ultra-Orthodox widower Yaakov from An Unorthodox Match. From the joy of their wedding day surrounded by supportive friends and family, Yaakov and Leah are soon plunged into the complex reality of their new lives together as Yaakov leaves his beloved yeshiva to work in the city, and Leah confronts the often agonizing restrictions imposed by religious laws governing even the most intimate moments of their married lives.

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Author I draw inspiration from: I absolutely love anything by Willa Cather. Her writing is so simple, and yet so connected to everyday life, and the values and mistakes that drive people. Her stories touch me and envelope me, and teach me, and surprise me.

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: In bed when I should be sleeping.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Marjorie Morningstar, from the book of that name, by Herman Wouk. Majorie was such an iconic representative of the nice, Jewish girl of a certain era. Would like to find out what she’s doing now, given that the times and ethos she grew up with have disappeared and been discredited.

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I entered an essay contest in the fifth grade and won a gold-plated necklace charm. Writing was the alchemy that turned a piece of paper into gold.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback (easier to lift thick volumes), and stays in one place, not like the shifting screen of my iPad.

The last book I read: The Tongue Set Free, by Elias Canetti. It’s the autobiography of a Nobel prize winning author, and his description of his Bulgarian Jewish childhood, and his path to becoming an author.

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | The Last Book I Read

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. It solves the problem of never being able to read my own handwriting.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Jo in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women.

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

Author Interview - Naomi Ragen | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: A landscape artist. I probably would have invested all the time I’ve spent getting degrees in English literature, learning how to draw, to mix colors, to see deeply and truly.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I’m pretty happy with today’s fashions. Much more flexible and less weird.

Place I’d most like to travel: Myanmar. I was actually signed up for a cruise there when COVID destroyed the cruise industry, and then they had an armed revolution….

My signature drink: Strawberry Daquiri. I had one on the beach in St. Maarten and I’ve never gotten over it.

Favorite artist: Joaquin Sorolla. I’ve loved his work for many years. His love of the sea, of children, his devotion to his wife, his interest in ordinary working people and the animals they use. My favorite picture of all time is the Sewing the Sail by Sorolla.

Number one on my bucket list: To dance at my granddaughters’ (so far I have eight) weddings.

Anything else you'd like to add: I’d like to dance at my grandsons’ weddings too. (There are six)

Find more from the author:

  • Twitter: @NaomiRagen1

Author Bio: Naomi Ragen is an award-winning novelist, journalist and playwright. Her first book, Jephte’s Daughter, was listed among the one-hundred most important Jewish books of all time. Her bestselling novels include Sotah, The Covenant, The Sisters Weiss, and Devil in Jerusalem. An outspoken advocate for women’s rights, and an active combatant against anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda through her website, she has lived in Jerusalem since 1971. An Observant Wife is her thirteenth novel.

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Sinking Islands

Sinking Islands

An Observant Wife

An Observant Wife