Sofia Segovia
Author Interview - Sofia Segovia
Author I draw inspiration from: Charles Dickens and his Tale of Two Cities is never far from my mind when I write. He begins with apparently distant storylines, weaves them masterfully and then manages to leave no loose ends. I aspire to that when I write.
Author Interview - Sofia Segovia
Favorite place to read a book: The shower! I learned the Art of Showering While Reading Without Ruining the Book when my children were very young and I wanted to steal a little time for myself. My children are older now, but the shower is still where I read just for fun, for the joy of reading. Nothing work-related in the shower, please! Now, sometimes I listen to an audiobook. It's handsfree and I can read even while doing my makeup.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Harry Potter. I figure he would get us out of there in the blink of an eye and in an adventurous fashion.
Author Interview - Sofia Segovia
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: It was the turn of the millennium and the end of the world had been announced (Y2K). It was a good prompt for reflection and action.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Reading is reading, so any and all. Depends on the venue.
The last book I read: Sadie by Courtney Summers. Very moving.
Author Interview - Sofia Segovia
Pen & paper or computer: Computer. It's the only method through which I can extricate myself from the physical world and get absolutely entranced in my imagination.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Francisco Junior, in my book, The Murmur of Bees. Young or old, I like his sense of humor and his sensibility.
Author Interview - Sofia Segovia
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: travel tour guide.
Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1920's, because women got free from corsets and long skirts, and dared to wear pants. A veritable fashion revolution!
Place I’d most like to travel: Carcassonne, France (and the region).
My signature drink: Iced tea (while I write and breathe) and red Mexican wine (on occasion).
Favorite artist: Present day singer: Lady Gaga. Present day painter: Reyna Castaño (Mexican).
Number one on my bucket list: My next novel has to be number one on my long list