Author Interview with Marie Benedict


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Marie Benedict

Marie Benedict

Author Interview - Marie Benedict


The remarkable story of J. P. Morgan’s personal librarian, Belle da Costa Greene, the Black American woman who was forced to hide her true identity and pass as white to leave a lasting legacy that enriched our nation.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Margaret Atwood, among many!

Favorite place to read a book: On the beach

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I’d love to get to know the real Belle da Costa Greene and to see if we got the fictional version right!

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback

The last book I read: Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson and Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi (yes, I do read more than one book at a time!)

Pen & paper or computer: Computer

If I weren’t an author, I’d be an: Archaeologist

Favorite decade in fashion history: The era between WWI and WWII

Place I’d most like to travel: Egypt

My signature drink: Arnold Palmer

Favorite artist: Probably Vermeer

Number one on my bucket list: Egypt or a return trip to Bora Bora

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Author Bio: Marie Benedict, a New York Times and USAToday bestselling author, is a lawyer with more than ten years' experience as a litigator at two of the country's premier law firms, who found her calling unearthing the hidden historical stories of women. Her mission is to excavate from the past the most important, complex and fascinating women of history and bring them into the light of present-day where we can finally perceive the breadth of their contributions as well as the insights they bring to modern day issues.

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