Author Interview with Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman


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Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman

Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman

Author Interview - Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman

Author of Baker Bettie's Better Baking Book

Baker Bettie's Better Baking Book is the ultimate baking school guide geared towards the home baker. This book goes beyond the recipe by teaching approachable baking science, ingredient functions, and classic techniques to build confidence in the kitchen. Each recipe section includes step-by-step photos of the mixing method being utilized, followed by master recipes that are completely customizable to create limitless variations!

“When I was first learning to bake I longed for a resource that would break everything down from how ingredients functioned, to definitions of baking terminology, and detailed technique explanations. I couldn't find one source for this at the time so I pieced everything together from many different books and shows. This book is the one that I wished I had when I was first learning. I wrote it so that other bakers have a practical resource that connects all the dots and shows how baking science, mixing methods, and master recipes all work together to create endless beautiful baked goods," ~ Kristin Hoffman

Author Interview - Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman

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Author I draw inspiration from: I have always admired the way Julia Child brings concepts to the home baker in a way that is approachable. She has always made me feel as though I can absolutely try new things in the kitchen and that is what I hope to do for others when I write about baking.

Author Interview - Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: I love listening to audiobooks while I'm in the kitchen cooking or recipe testing!

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: This is really hard for me since I can't remember the last time I read any fiction 😬 So I'm going to change it to "book author I'd like to be stuck in an elevator with" and I'm going to have to say Anthony Bourdain. He just seemed like someone who could absolutely talk to anyone and his ability to tell a story is unmatched. He had such a way with words that really transports you to the place he's describing and makes you feel like you are experiencing it with him. I'm currently re-reading Kitchen Confidential and I can hear his voice so vividly as I read it. I don't think anyone has ever captured the true scenery of working in professional kitchens the way he does. I really wish he was still here to share his gift of storytelling.

Author Interview - Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: To be honest I hadn't really seriously considered it until the pandemic hit. Previously, I was so engrossed in teaching workshops in Chicago that I didn't have any time to think about a project like that. But when it became clear that classes would be cancelled for an extended period of time, I had the mental space to consider it. The book concept was one I had in the back of my head, thinking that maybe someday far down the road I would eventually pursue it. The timing just happened to be right in 2020 and before I knew it, I was knee deep in writing, recipe testing, and photographing it.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback for any cookbook or food related book, audiobook for anything else

The last book I read: Flour Lab: An At-Home Guide to Baking with Freshly Milled Grains by Adam Leonti

Author Interview - Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer! I'm pretty quick on the keyboard and I can't get my ideas out fast enough on paper. I'm also a terrible speller so I get too caught up in that when I write things out.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I'm also going to go with an author here and say Fannie Farmer author of The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book. She actually introduced the idea of standardizing measuring cups and spoons. Prior to her book, people used whatever cup and spoon they had in their kitchen and did everything by experience. While it's hard to get a read on what her true personality was like, she loved to teach and was fascinated by the science of food. She was way ahead of her time in that regard and I think the two of us would have a ton to chat about!

Author Interview - Kristin "Baker Bettie" Hoffman | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Gosh, it's so hard to even think of myself as an author yet! I truly see myself as a baking educator who also wrote a book. But it's so hard for me to imagine myself doing anything other than something baking related. If I wasn't teaching and writing about baking, I'd likely still be baking in a different setting. Possibly owning a little coffee shop where I sold pastries and sourdough bread. I am in love with the way good food connects us and brings others joy. I truly can't see myself not doing something related to food.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 1950's! I would never wish to go back in time to the way things were socially in the 1950s. I do, however, wish it was much easier to find circle skirts and dresses. They are so comfortable and easy to move in, not to mention adorable! I'm glad we have moved away from the expectation that women need to always be in dresses to look "feminine," but now that my wardrobe is mostly skirts and dresses I do see their appeal for their ease and comfort!

Place I’d most like to travel: To Paris to eat as much bread, pastries, and cheese as I can handle!

My signature drink: I love a Manhattan made with orange bitters and a splash of the juice from the brandied cherries! My husband makes this for me often.

Favorite artist: I have to admit that I don't keep up with traditional art much. But I have recently become very interested in food related art! This last year I discovered two incredible artists that make amazing food inspired functional art.

Elrod of Mexakitsch makes food inspired lamps and clocks. They are typically made out of resin and are made to look like 1960's jello molds and deviled egg platters. It is my dream to own one someday, but they are a hot commodity and difficult to get your hands on!

The second that I more recently discovered is Rommy de Bommy and she makes food inspired hand bags and backpacks out of clay. They are INCREDIBLE! I recently purchased a cherry pie purse as a gift to myself for finishing my book and I can't wait for it to arrive.

Number one on my bucket list: I'm fascinated by bees and I would really love to own some bee hives some day and learn to bee keep. My grandfather was a beekeeper and I wish I would have asked him lots of questions and learned from him. But someday I will learn!

Anything else you'd like to add: While my book is geared towards basic and fundamentals, I truly believe bakers or any skill level will find a lot of useful information inside! Whether you've never baked a single thing in your life, or if you are a seasoned baker who loves to understand more about the science and "whys" in baking, I wrote the book for you!

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Author Bio: Kristin “Baker Bettie” Hoffman is a trained chef, baking educator, cookbook author, and creator of the popular blog, She is known for her ability to make baking science approachable and for breaking down essential techniques in a way that connects all the dots to the “whys” of baking.

Kristin’s main focus is on baking fundamentals, yeast bread, and sourdough. She resides in Chicago where she teaches many workshops on these topics. She also teaches virtually in her home studio (among her extensive vintage Pyrex Collection) via YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and private live stream classes.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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Baker Bettie’s Better Baking Book

Baker Bettie’s Better Baking Book