Jill Shalvis
Author Interview - Jill Shalvis
Author I draw inspiration from: I also love to read in all genres, and nonfiction as well. So not just one author, but all the authors. :) To be honest, I can find myself influenced by a news article, an old repeat of Friends, even the back of a cereal box. :)
Favorite place to read a book: By the water. The beach, the river, the lake …
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Any of the heroes I’ve ever fallen in love with from all the wonderful amazing romance novels I’ve read. But my first choice might have to be Ranger from the Janet Evanovich series because he could get us out of the elevator. When we were ready. :)
Author Interview - Jill Shalvis
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I’ve been making up and telling stories all my life. In college, I mistakenly went into journalism. After I kept embellishing my stories, my professor asked me to pretty pretty please stop trying to write non fiction and go for fiction… :)
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: ANY and all. I mean my heart craves holding a real book, but my eyes beg for ebook, and I hike a lot and love listening to audiobooks on the trail. Basically any book, any format, all the time. :)
The last book I read: The Bride Test. Adored it.
Author Interview - Jill Shalvis
Pen & paper or computer: I start with a rough draft on the laptop, then print it out and handwrite all over it. So both! :)
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Of mine? Definitely Brooke from The Lemon Sisters. Let’s just say we have a lot in common… :)
Author Interview - Jill Shalvis
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: I’d like to say rock star, but I can’t sing. So librarian or bookseller please. :)
Favorite decade in fashion history: Ha. I live in yoga pants. Though they rarely see a yoga class… So this might not be a good question for me.
Place I’d most like to travel: I’d love to do a castle tour in Scotland, England…
My signature drink: Tea. I know, boring, right? But let’s just say me and vodka are no longer on speaking terms.
Number one on my bucket list: To win an Oscar for a Jill Shalvis screenplay. :)
Anything else you'd like to add: I often get asked what I’m working on right now. I’m putting the finishing touches on Wrapped Up In You, which comes out in September. I’ve got a misplaced small town sheriff/rancher who finds himself in San Francisco, and a woman who runs her own taco truck. Their worlds collide in the most unusual of ways. Magic happens. Stay tuned… :)
Find more from Jill Shalvis, here: