After Andy


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After Andy

After Andy

Book Review - After Andy: Adventures in Warhol Land by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

I actually read this book last semester with my Indiana University students. I have a student reading group that meets every two weeks (for a total of 8 meetings each semester.) We order pizza and discuss two books that I chose the previous semester - we read this book and Beyond the Label by Maureen Chiquet (click this link for my review of that book.) Although I read it last semester, I didn't get around to taking pics and writing my review until now. But it worked out well, because Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni, the author, agreed to an interview so I'll be posting that on Thursday - check back then!

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

I love combining my interests of art, fashion, and literature and sharing those interests with my students. In lieu of our regular meeting, the first week we discussed this book my students and I met in Indianapolis to visit Long-Sharp Gallery. At the time, they were exhibiting many of Warhol's early works, click here to see my Instagram post about it along with several pictures of my class and the gallery. Rhonda, the owner, took my students and I on a great tour of her gallery as well as the Conrad Indianapolis hotel. We were beyond grateful for the time she took with us and were fascinated by the works she showed us.

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Although I was expecting the book to be more about Andy Warhol (given the title and book cover) it was definitely more of a memoir about the author. Although the author did try to tie many of her life events and personal stories back to Warhol, it is important to note this really isn't a book about him but rather how her life happened to cross paths with him and was influenced by him in many ways. With that being said, Natasha's story is a fascinating one and I enjoyed reading about her life experiences which greatly differ from my own - and isn't that one of the best parts of reading a book like this?

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

My students and I especially enjoyed hearing about many notable fashion designers, namely Diane von Furstenberg, and their relationships with Warhol. We had many great discussions about what the fashion industry was like during Warhol's time as well as Natasha's experience as a fashion journalist. We were also thrilled when Natasha engaged with us via Instagram when we mentioned we were reading her book - she was so enthusiastic about the class reading her book that it made us even more excited about reading her life story and conducting the interview that's to come on Thursday. Stay tuned!

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading After Andy by Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Book Review - After Andy by Natasha Fraser on

Book Review - After Andy by Natasha Fraser on

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

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