Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni


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Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

Author Interview - Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

Today I'm interview the author of After Andy: Adventures in Warholand. Click the link for my full review and more information about the book. Find out more about the personal lives of authors including their signature drink, favorite decade in fashion history, and the artists that inspire them in my author interview series.

Author I draw inspiration from: It changes so much. Recently, I have had a passion for Joyce Carol Oates. I must say that I do enjoy American novelists like Joan Didion, Alison Lurie and Elizabeth Strout. I admire their pithy, short sentences.

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser- Cavassoni: the author she draws inspiration from

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser- Cavassoni: the author she draws inspiration from

Favorite place to read a book: Sitting on my bed with my back leaning against a pile of pillows and my legs pushed up against the wall. It does wonders for the circulation. 

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Becky Sharpe because she’s got tremendous joie-de-vivre and savvy enough to get us out of that situation. 

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: It happened when I decided to write about Sam Spiegel, the film producer. That biography, my first book, was inspired by Gore Vidal’s Palimpsest.  Sam, a family friend, was described by Gore as being ’spontaneously dishonest on every level’ and I became extremely intrigued.  

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni: the author with Andy Warhol

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni: the author with Andy Warhol

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback because I’m always travelling and hardbacks weigh a ton

The last book I read: You Must Remember This by Joyce Carol Oates. I found the paperback in the remainder pile at Shakespeare & Company in Paris. Both the title and cover grabbed me. I do think that it’s a fantastic novel and am surprised that it never became a film. 

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser- Cavassoni: the last book she read

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser- Cavassoni: the last book she read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer but I’m always writing notes, using an italic ink pen. I do like the look of ink on paper. My version of Cy Twombly, a favorite artist. 

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Lizzie Greystock from Trollope’s novel The Eustache Diamonds. Since she's a mercenary beauty and an adventuress, I realize that our friendship would be short lived but have it’s definite high points.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: theatrical character actress playing spiky aunts and enigmatic grandmothers.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 1930s, it defined modern, fluid and elegant.

Place I’d most like to travel: I am dying to go to India but realize that I need a month to make it worthwhile. 

My signature drink: A non-alcoholic Mojito fits the bill. I like the mix of lime and syrup. 

Favorite artist: Andy Warhol who has been described as the Matisse of acrylic paint. 

Number one on my bucket list: Warhol’s Mao (1973). I saw this giant work-of-art at the Art Institute in the summer of 2014 and it inspired my my memoir After Andy. 

Anything else you'd like to add? My memoir - After Andy: Adventures in Warhol Land makes a handsome looking present! 

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

Author Interview with Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

After Andy: Adventures in Warhol Land
By Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni
Buy on Amazon

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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After Andy

After Andy