5 Libraries to Visit in Celebration of National Library Lovers Month


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5 Libraries to Visit in Celebration of National Library Lovers Month

5 Libraries to Visit in Celebration of National Library Lovers Month

5 Libraries to Visit in Celebration of National Library Lovers Month

1 - Central Library in Kansas City, MO

I first discovered this great library when I was putting together my literary travel guide for Kansas City - I love this photo that Hilary of The Dandy Lens took of this library for me!


2 - St. Louis Public Library - Downtown

This is my favorite library in town! I first discovered it on a tour with STL Best Cellars last May - they took us on a literary bus tour around town and this was one of the stops.


3 - Harold Washington Library Center in Chicago

This is such an odd building. It looks light and airy in this room, but it looks like a brick fortress on the outside. I once went on an architecture tour and the guide said it was the ugliest building in all of Chicago, I tend to agree.


4 - New York Public Library

My husband suggested we visit the New York Public Library the last time we visited - such a great suggestion on his part. That building is BEAUTIFUL.


5 - The Seattle Central Library in Seattle, Washington

This is another library I discovered while working on my literary travel guide for Seattle. It is such a unique building, especially for a library. I bet it gets great light inside!

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