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Valencia and Valentine

Valencia and Valentine

Book Feature - Valencia and Valentine by Suzy Krause

Book Feature - Valencia and Valentine by Suzy Krause

Book Feature - Valencia and Valentine by Suzy Krause

HBL Note: A few weeks ago I teamed up with a woman who sells wine for a Books and Booze event. She chose six wines to feature and I “paired” a book with each wine. At the event, I presented each of the six books and then gave copies of each away to the attendees. This one was a crowd favorite! It has a little bit of a modern love story perfect for a vacation read. But it also has a mystery element that will keep those pages turning! Read more about this book below. (PS - I paired this book with a sparkling pinot noir.)

Book Feature - Valencia and Valentine by Suzy Krause

Book Feature - Valencia and Valentine by Suzy Krause

From the publisher:

Valencia, a timid debt collector with crippling OCD, is afraid of many things, but the two that scare her most are flying and turning thirty-five. To confront those fears, Valencia’s therapist suggests that she fly somewhere—anywhere—before her upcoming birthday. And as Valencia begins a telephone romance with a man from New York, she suddenly has a destination in mind. There’s only one problem—he might not actually exist.

Mrs. Valentine is an eccentric old woman desperate for company, be it from neighbors, telemarketers, or even the funeral director (when you’re her age, you go to a lot of funerals). So she’s thrilled when the new cleaning girl provides a listening ear for her life’s story—a tale of storybook love and incredible adventures around the world with her husband before his mysterious and sudden disappearance.

The stories of Valencia and Mrs. Valentine may at first appear to have nothing in common…but then again, nothing in life is as straightforward as it seems.

Book Feature - Valencia and Valentine by Suzy Krause

Book Feature - Valencia and Valentine by Suzy Krause

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Suzy Krause

Suzy Krause

Irene Sardanis

Irene Sardanis