The Scent of Rain


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The Scent of Rain

The Scent of Rain

Book Review - The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

I started reading this book on my flight to Cabo and flew through it while sitting poolside with a frozen margarita in my hand. I kept a "book diary" so to speak, by writing my thoughts and reactions after I finished reading each day. I took care not to give anything away, even as I share my reactions to the ending so read below without fear of spoilers. I hope you enjoy! Head on over to Facebook to let me know what you think of this format!

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Day 1: Chapters 1-26

I’m such a sucker for books, television shows, and/or movies about cults. Books such as Leah Remini’s about Scientology, tv shows such as Big Love and movies like Going Clear hook me right away (and obviously Scientology is a popular topic right now!) So when Anne Montgomery contacted me about reading her YA novel, The Scent Of Rain, and described the plot as including a storyline about a young girl escaping from her Fundamentalist Mormon community I was quick to say “yes” to reviewing her book. The one thing I tend to avoid in all books, tv shows, and movies, however, is any harm coming to animals and especially dogs. Even if the dog is well-loved and lives a long happy life - if he dies in the end I really don’t want to read/watch it. So when, in this first section of the book, the Prophet in this FLDS community orders all pets to be killed I wasn’t too pleased. And then the author described the killing of two happy and loving dogs and I struggled to get through. Here’s to hoping that is the last of the harm that comes to pets in this book; because, on the other hand, the plot of this book is quite compelling and I’m eager to find out how Rose (the young girl who escaped her FLDS community) and Adan (a young boy who ran away from his abusive foster care family) cross paths. 

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Day 2: Chapters 27-57

The references to the murdered pets continue and I’m trying my hardest to skim past those parts. There are characters who followed the order without question or hesitation but there are also characters who feel the heartbreak for the loss of their pet. And then there is arise who released the family’s pet bird and refused to kill it. I’m enjoying the development of the story about how Rose and Adan cross paths. The two teenagers are now working together to escape their abusive homes. We are learning more about the FLDS community, the hierarchy of leadership as well as who is questioning authority. 

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Day 3: Chapters 58-90

The two main characters, Rose and Adan, are facing big challenges. Both are being searched for by the FLDS community and neither know who they can trust, including one another. The suspense is building and it is getting more difficult to put this book down. I’m intrigued by many story lines, namely:

  1. Why is Adan in foster care? And why did he run away?
  2. What will happen to Rose if she returns to the FLDS community? What will happen if she doesn’t?
  3. Will Trak and Brooke ever get together?
Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Reading The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery at Sirena del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Day 4: Chapters 91-end

Whew. What a whirlwind. The story had been building and building and it all came to a tumbling end. But, I don’t want to give too much away. Not all storylines were wrapped up and there were several indications that there may be a sequel to this book...information that was revealed to the reader but not to the book characters. I would definitely be interested in reading another book about the FDLS community. There were a few things, however, I didn’t like about the ending. There were several instances when I thought too much was happening, perhaps too many twists than was necessary. But overall it was a good read. It is labeled at YA, but I’m not sure that’s the best classification for it. It read more like a regular adult novel to me. If you’re as into cults as I am (do you watch The Path? Did you read The Girls?) I think you’ll enjoy this book!

Book Review - The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery on

Book Review - The Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery on

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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