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Search Heartache

Search Heartache

Book Feature - Search Heartache

Book Feature - Search Heartache by Carla Malden

Book Feature - Search Heartache by Carla Malden

HBL Note: This is Carla Malden’s first novel, but she is not new to the world of writing. She coauthored her father’s (Academy Award–winning actor Karl Malden) critically acclaimed memoir, When Do I Start? She also published AfterImage: A Brokenhearted Memoir of A Charmed Life, an account of losing her first husband to cancer. Search Heartache is a different book on a woman’s husband, when the wife finds he’s kept up a romantic correspondence with his long lost flame. Scroll down to read more.

Book Feature - Search Heartache by Carla Malden

Book Feature - Search Heartache by Carla Malden

From the publisher:

When I got home, I did what I had stopped myself from doing earlier. I Googled the name: Aimee Laroche. I wondered what I would have done if I had found myself embroiled in this scenario fifteen, even ten years ago. Would I have hired a private detective to track this woman down? Would I have passed sleepless nights waiting for him to hand over a manila envelope containing long lens black-and-whites of a femme fatale smoking Gauloises at a sidewalk café? Probably not. But Googling was irresistible. Like everything on screen, it required no effort. It was so easy.

Maura Fielder looks like she has the perfect life: every expectation fulfilled. But under the illusory surface of perfection, Maura finds herself blindsided by what she discovers on her husband’s computer. She has no emotional cubby hole into which she can shove this ghost from her husband’s past, so instead, Maura upends her life―thrashing her marriage, alienating her daughter, and eroding her own moral center. On the verge of sacrificing everything she holds dear to her own obsession, how does Maura manage to regain her equilibrium and reclaim her life?

In this post-privacy new world, any woman can find heartache if she searches hard enough.

Book Feature - Search Heartache by Carla Malden

Book Feature - Search Heartache by Carla Malden

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Carla Malden

Carla Malden

Unspeakable Things

Unspeakable Things