Carla Malden
Author Interview - Carla Malden
Author I draw inspiration from: Meg Wolitzer writes fascinating women and puts them in situations that test them without feeling forced. If I may include a playwright, Tennessee Williams looms large for me. He transforms the way people talk into poetry, often injecting humor. That’s literary alchemy, pure magic – utterly unattainable, but inspirational nonetheless.
Author Interview - Carla Malden
Favorite place to read a book: I have two favorite places to read a book: in bed and in an oversized wing chair that lives on the landing upstairs in my home. It’s a wonderful space for reading, with lots of lovely natural light. Recently, I noticed that the fabric on that chair had become a little shabby. I hunted around for a new chair, but could not find one that called to me in the same way, so I am having it recovered. Just the other day, I was telling my husband how, as a child, I used to read on the middle step of the staircase in my childhood home – the wedge-shaped step that rounded the bend in the staircase so that it was ideal for stretching out one’s legs.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Walls closing in. Sweaty palms. Heart pounding. Cotton mouth. Absolute panic. I would not want to be stuck in an elevator with anyone, ever. That said, I would choose Christopher Robin as a stuck-elevator companion because looking after a child would keep me sane. He could also tell me what Pooh would say about this predicament and Pooh-isms take the sting out of most situations. At the opposite end of the spectrum, it would be delightful to fall under Heathcliff’s (Wuthering Heights) spell… but for not much longer than five minutes and I would hope we’d be rescued then.
Author Interview - Carla Malden
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Much like Lady Gaga, I was born this way – wanting to be a writer. However, becoming an “author” (and I use the quotes advisedly) took time. When I began writing my memoir, AfterImage, about becoming a widow, I wasn’t sure that what I was writing would grow up to be a book. I remember that late one night, while I was working, a particular phrase appeared on screen as I typed and I thought, “That’s an interesting way to put that; I would find that interesting to read in a book.” And then I realized, “I am writing a book.” It felt “authorly” in the way that artists sometimes refer to certain pieces as being particularly “painterly.”
Author Interview - Carla Malden
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback and ebook. I am usually reading two books at once. I enjoy the weight of a hardback, and I like to see the cover, including the author’s name, every time I pick up a book. I’m ashamed to say I find myself forgetting the name of the author when I’m reading an ebook because I simply do not see it every day. But I like to have an ebook “going” for reading in bed in the dark. Of course, ebooks spoil you for traveling.
The last book I read: The last book I read was Three Women by Lisa Taddeo. It is beautifully written and painfully revelatory. I am currently enjoying Bruce Holsinger’s The Gifted School.
Author Interview - Carla Malden
Pen & paper or computer: Computer. Sometimes I don’t have a thought in my head until my fingers hit the keyboard. Pen and notepad for spontaneous scribbles.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: The first character who comes to mind is Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing. (Does a play count?) She’s feisty and witty and can turn a phrase. She would keep me on my toes. She’s cynical, but deeply romantic, using language to mask her feelings. She kids herself by believing that if she can best someone with words, she keeps him from getting to her heart. As her best friend, I would hope to remind her affairs of the heart don’t work that way.
Author Interview - Carla Malden
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: There was a time when I thought that if I weren’t an author, I’d be a dancer. But those days are over (even though I still take dance classes and dance around the kitchen -- or anywhere else -- as often as possible). I would enjoy directing theater. I often struggle to turn off the critic in my head when I’m watching a play and find myself imagining how I would have handled a theatrical moment differently.
Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1960’s for sure! Who doesn’t love mini-skirts with white vinyl go-go boots? The fashion of that time had a playfulness and even optimism. It didn’t take itself seriously. It was the fashion of cultural revolution, all about being young and slightly outrageous.
Place I’d most like to travel: There are so many places I’ve yet to travel. Japan is high on the list. And Greece. I’ve been to St. Petersburg, Russia, but would love to go back. I have zero interest in ever going on safari, as in: not enough money in the world… nor antihistamines.
My signature drink: I don’t drink – for no other reason than I don’t like the taste. So I suppose my signature drink is a strong cup of English Breakfast tea with a splash of milk. I am as passionate about how my tea is prepared as other people might be about their martinis. Stirred, not shaken. If I find myself at Starbucks, it’s two tea bags, please. Do not serve me a cup of hot water with a tea bag on the side for dunking. And do not presume that Earl Grey is a workable substitute for English Breakfast. “Passionate” – synonym for “finicky.”
Favorite artist: My favorite period/school of art is Impressionism. Monet is meaningful to me. At a particularly dark time in my life, I found myself standing on the bridge over the water lily pond at Monet’s home in Giverny. It sounds like a too-perfect movie moment; however, seeing what he saw – and transformed in his paintings – shone a pinprick of light through that time.
Number one on my bucket list: My bucket list is embarrassingly female – it centers around making sure everyone I love is safe and happy. I’m not an adventurer. No bungee jumping. I’ve already ticked off one bucket list item that is likely untoppable. My husband and I were planning a trip to England – London and the Lake District – when we discovered that Paul McCartney was going to be in concert in Liverpool. We rejiggered our itinerary to see him there. For the first leg of our trip, we compulsively checked the tickets in their zippered pocket of the carry-on, referring to them as the “nuclear code.” When the night arrived, we walked from our hotel through Liverpool, merging into the crowd that swelled until it felt like the whole city was going to see Paul. As everyone entered the arena, we were all handed signs that read: “Welcome Home Paul.” It doesn’t get much better than that: Paul McCartney… Liverpool… third row center. Bucket List…Check.
Author Interview - Carla Malden