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Other People's Houses

Other People's Houses

Book Review - Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

When I received an email with the subject line "It All Started With a Forgotten Roll of Toilet Paper…" I was intrigued. One thing I didn't expect when I started to blog about books was how a publicists email could affect my decision on whether or not to read the book. Lately, the creativity behind these emails has really entertained and intrigued me. Props to book publicists out there! You're making book blogging fun in ways I never anticipated!

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

This book is about a neighborhood of families whose kids share a carpool. One kid forgot some toilet paper rolls at home for a school project and Frances, the carpool driver, offered to go to the kid's home to get them for her and bring them back later in the day. But when she stopped by she saw Anne, the kid's mom, in the middle of an affair - right there on the living room floor. This isn't the only secret Frances knows, either. She knows Iris is hiding her desire for another baby and Bill's wife hasn't been seen in quite some time. You never know what goes on in other people's houses...

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

If you loved Big Little Lies, then you should read Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman. I thought the two books had a lot in common: a group of kids attending the same school, a group of parents who live in the same neighborhood, conflicts at home among the parents. So if you're anxiously awaiting season 2 of Big Little Lies (or nervous about whether or not it will be as good as the first season...we shall see...) then pick up this book to keep you entertained until the next season is released.

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

This book comes down to that quote we've all heard "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." You just never know what is going on in other people's houses. It is a reminder not to be too hard on our friends, family, or even ourselves. And in the world of social media, reminding ourselves that what we see online is often the very best version of that person. They probably aren't sharing their battles such as, to borrow from this book: illness, infidelity, low self confidence, depression, etc. So let's take this as a reminder to be kind, whether or not you are aware of someone else's battle.

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

Reading Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman in Clayton, MO

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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