Me, Myself and Ideas


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Me, Myself and Ideas

Me, Myself and Ideas

Book Feature - Me, Myself and Ideas by Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog

Book Feature - Me, Myself and Ideas by Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog

Book Feature - Me, Myself and Ideas by Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog

HBL Note: This book feature came about in one of my favorite ways! You might remember when I recorded a podcast with my old elementary school friend, Chelsea Foster? Well Carrie Anton was scheduled to do her podcast with Chelsea when she listened to my interview and learned about my blog. She reached out about a book that she and Jessica Nordskog co-wrote about brainstorming and creativity. My loyal readers know how much I love reading about creative entrepreneurs, tend to gravitate toward novels that feature characters with creative careers, and how I taught a unit on creativity when I taught college courses. So this was a perfect fit for me! Scroll down to read more about this book:

Book Feature - Me, Myself and Ideas by Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog

Book Feature - Me, Myself and Ideas by Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog

From the publisher:

From brainstorming mavens Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog comes this inspirational guide to generating fresh ideas—all without setting foot in a conference room.

An essential resource for any self-employed, freelance, or work-from-home professional, Me, Myself & Ideas offers tips, tools, and a host of exercises aimed at crushing mental blocks and forging ahead with creative solutions. Whether you're stuck on a logistical problem or experiencing a creative dry spell, the activities in this book are sure to get you thinking (and creating) in new and powerful ways.

Book Feature - Me, Myself and Ideas by Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog

Book Feature - Me, Myself and Ideas by Carrie Anton and Jessica Nordskog

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Carrie Anton & Jessica Nordskog

Carrie Anton & Jessica Nordskog

The Last Collection

The Last Collection