A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher


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A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post

A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post

I’m on maternity leave! During this time, a few of my favorite authors offered to step up and write guest posts so that this blog would remain active while I adjust to my new role as a mother. I may also be a bit slower to respond. Thanks for understanding and for being so supportive of me, my family, and my blog. Want to donate a few dollars to keep this blog running or perhaps contribute to my diaper fund? You can do so on Venmo or Paypal.

A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post by Andie J. Christopher

I’m Andie J. Christopher, author of Thank You, Next and Not the Girl You Marry, and this is a day in my life. Honestly, it’s anything but romantic or exciting, but it does include a French bulldog and (sometimes) a cocktail or two.

I wake up at the same time most days, since my day job became work-from-home during the pandemic and remains that way. I’m honestly not great at waking up on time, but my Frenchie, Archie, starts throwing all 35 pounds of his body against me when he deems it time for breakfast at around 7 a.m.

After Archie eats and I throw some clothes on, we walk around our Washington, D.C. neighborhood. While I’m a true introvert, Archie has never met a stranger—dog or human. So, he spends time sniffing trees (reading his pee mail) and greeting and playing with every dog and human who gives him positive energy.

A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post

I usually listen to podcasts while we walk—everything from Who? Weekly to Why Won’t You Date Me? to Murdaugh Murders—and I actually get loads of book ideas from that kind of content. (Reality is way stranger than fiction, and the things people put themselves through in real life are often wilder than anything that will ever happen in my books.)

When Archie and I get back to my apartment, I drink coffee and check socials and e-mail. If it’s a work day, then I get to work for my clients. On a non-day job day, I tried to get thirty to sixty minutes of drafting on new projects in before turning to edit, revise, or do anything promotional. If I’m on deadline, I’ll probably do more drafting stints throughout the day, but I really try to pace myself.

A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post

I generally take a break midday to work out, shower, and eat something. I’ve been a home exerciser since before the pandemic, and I’ve always loved Heather Robertson’s home strength training workouts on YouTube. I also recently bought a Peloton, and I’ve used it every day that I’ve been at home since it arrived—it’s truly addictive!

In the afternoon, I generally work and cuddle with Archie until it’s time for his evening walk. If it’s a Friday-Sunday during the Formula 1 season, I’m watching one of the three practices, qualifying, or the race. (I’m a staunch Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton fan, though I’m also quite fond of the Ferrari boys and Danny Ric.) Archie is not as big of a fan of Formula 1 given that it often causes me to scream expletives, but he tolerates it because I have the food.

On the weekends, Archie and I like to wind down with a (wet) martini with a twist and whatever show we’re binging or movie we’re curious about. (I also get a lot of ideas for my characters from movies and TV!) Generally, I end my evening with a romance novel with Archie snoring next to me.

A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post

A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post

A Day In the Life of Andie J. Christopher: A Guest Post

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Kristin Fouquet

Kristin Fouquet

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