Crashing the A-List


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Crashing the A-List

Crashing the A-List

Book Feature - Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

Book Feature - Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

Book Feature - Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

HBL Note: In some ways, I can totally relate to Clara Montgomery’s situation. I feel stuck. I’m not sleeping on my brother’s sofa, but I am temporarily living with my parents. I’m often scrolling through job listings and I recently took on a temporary gig (though WAY better than cleaning out storage units!) This book sounds like a hilarious break from the heavy responsibilities of real life known as adulting. If you’re looking for a bit of escape and just an entertaining read, then check out Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock. Scroll down to read more about this book.

Book Feature - Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

Book Feature - Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

From the publisher:

After four months of unemployment, former book editor Clara Montgomery is officially stuck―stuck sleeping on her little brother’s ugly couch in Queens, stuck scrolling through job listings in search of a new editorial position…and just desperate enough to take on a temporary gig clearing out abandoned storage units. If nothing else, she’s determined to keep her rapidly dwindling savings account intact.

Unfortunately, she is in no way prepared for stumbling upon dead snakes or dealing with glass jars that she’s convinced are full of pickled eyeballs. And why does everything seem to smell like beets?

Then Clara comes across a unit that was once owned by an escort service and finds the brothel “résumé” of a younger Caspian Tiddleswich, an astonishingly famous British actor. She has no intention of cashing in on her discovery, but her awkward attempts to reassure Caspian that his secret is safe go awry. Now Caspian is convinced that Clara is a blackmailer, the tabloids have her pegged as Caspian’s newest girlfriend…and Clara begins to find the A-lister’s charms more irresistible than she expected.

Book Feature - Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

Book Feature - Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

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Summer Heacock

Summer Heacock

Naturally Tan

Naturally Tan