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Summer Heacock

Summer Heacock

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Author I draw inspiration from: I honestly love the masterful balance of humor and sexual tension in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. She’s kept me hooked for 26 books, so my admiration is deep.

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Favorite place to read a book: In my own bed, under a pile of cats, with a mug of hot coffee or tea within reach. If it’s a rainy day, I will have reached peak nirvana.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Ranger from the Stephanie Plum series, but for entirely naughty reasons.

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: After seeing Jurassic Park when I was 12, oddly enough. I’d always loved writing, but after seeing that movie and reading the book, I knew I wanted to spend my life trying to create something that spectacular and could spawn those awed and magical feelings for someone else.

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I love hardcovers, but I have to take the dustcover off. Mostly, I will take books in any form because yay books.

The last book I read: The Friend Zone, by Abby Jiminez. It’s a gorgeous blend of romance, heartbreak, and peak hilarity.

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Pen & paper or computer: For notes, pen (ultra fine tip gel pens) and my many, many notebooks. Otherwise, all writing is done on my laptop.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Willowdean Dickson from Dumplin’, by Julie Murphy. I love absolutely everything about her.

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

Author Interview - Summer Heacock

By Julie Murphy
Buy on Amazon

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be an: Actress. I actually had an acting agent and did several gigs when I was 12, but my mom said to focus on one or the other, and said writing was something I could do no matter how old I was, and acting was a more fickle field. I’m definitely not leading lady material, but if the opportunity arose, I’d dive back into acting in a heartbeat. (While still writing because my brain demands it.)

Favorite decade in fashion history: The ‘90s. Late ‘90s, specifically. Buffy, Spice Girls, chunky shoes, glitter, flannel, babydoll dresses, Doc Martens. It’s my dedicated mental aesthetic and I dream of a resurgence of all these things.

Place I’d most like to travel: Oh man, this is like asking me to pick my favorite child… Hmm. I’d say Italy. The culture, the architecture, the FOOD. I want to eat my way across the entire country.

My signature drink: The White Gummi from The Sugar Factory. My agent and editor and I always make a trip there when I’m in NYC. It’s this glorious goblet full of booze and gummy worms and dry ice. It is the most extra beverage I have ever had and I love it.

Favorite artist: It feels cliché, but Van Gogh. I could stare at his work for days and never stop finding new facets of the paintings. His paintings look the way my brain feels.

Number one on my bucket list: Currently it’s a tie between the stereotypical dream of seeing one of my books turned into a film, or learning to play the violin.

Find more from Summer Heacock:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fizzygrrl

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fizzygrrl/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summerheacock/


Summer Heacock is an author of contemporary women’s fiction and prances through life like a cartoon character that says the “F” word a lot. She lives Seattle-adjacent, where she’s a stay-at-home-mom to two incredible, scampy tots, wife to an amazingly understanding husband, herder of a rescue critter menagerie, devourer of jelly beans and collector of life-size celebrity cardboard cutouts. CRASHING THE A-LIST (July 9, 2019; Harper Collins/Harlequin/MIRA) is her second novel, following her debut, THE AWKWARD PATH TO GETTING LUCKY.


In CRASHING THE A-LIST (July 9, 2019; Harper Collins/Harlequin/MIRA)—which can be described as Younger meets Sex in the City with a hint of Benedict Cumberbatch—former book editor Clara Montgomery is stuck sleeping on her brother’s ugly couch in Queens after four months of unemployment. Desperate for income, she takes a job clearing out abandoned storage units. When Clara comes across a unit that was once owned by an escort service, she finds the brothel “résumé” of a younger Caspian Tiddleswich, an astonishingly famous British actor (inspired by Benedict Cumberbatch).Clara has no intention of cashing in on her discovery, but her awkward attempts to reassure Caspian that his secret is safe go awry. Now Caspian is convinced that Clara is a blackmailer, the tabloids have her pegged as Caspian’s newest girlfriend…and Clara begins to find the A-lister’s charms more irresistible than she expected.

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The Friend Zone

The Friend Zone

Crashing the A-List

Crashing the A-List