The Perfect Son
Book Review - The Perfect Son by Lauren North
Reading The Perfect Son by Lauren North in New Town at St. Charles, MO
I can’t believe I’m almost to the end of my 10 Books I’m Most Looking Forward to Reading this Summer list. I have just one more book to go. Click here to see the full list - how many of them have you read? This was the only psychological thriller that made the list, and it was a great choice. I still remember the moment I figured out the truth - I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming…yet, isn’t that the point of a psychological thriller? To keep you guessing until you’re near the end?
Reading The Perfect Son by Lauren North in New Town at St. Charles, MO
The Perfect Son by Lauren North is about a woman who wakes up at the hospital and she can only be certain about four things: she is in a hospital, she’s been stabbed, she’s alive, her son is missing. The rest of the book pieces together the story of how she winds up in the hospital and what happened to her on that fateful day. There are also two significant dates: the day she was stabbed, which is also her son’s birthday; and the day her husband died in a plane crash. A sub-plot to the story is what happened to her husband and whether or not he is really dead - there are some things that don’t quite add up.
Reading The Perfect Son by Lauren North in New Town at St. Charles, MO
I finished this book on a plane to Vermont for a friend’s wedding and I was a little apprehensive about reading a book about a character who dies in a plane crash. Do you try to avoid books about plane crashes when you’re reading on a plane? I don’t usually get nervous about flying, I know the statistics are in my favor, but somehow reading about a freak accident gets me thinking about how freak accidents happen all the time. Anyway, obviously my flights were just fine and I loved the ending of this book. It would be a great choice for a book club to read and discuss. Fair warning: I was definitely crying at the end. As in tears rolling down my face crying.
Reading The Perfect Son by Lauren North in New Town at St. Charles, MO
Reading The Perfect Son by Lauren North in New Town at St. Charles, MO
Reading The Perfect Son by Lauren North in New Town at St. Charles, MO