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The Golden Hour

The Golden Hour

Book Review - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

Book Review - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

Book Review - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

I’ve read several books by Beatriz Williams including The Wicked City and The Summer Wives…so I’m obviously a fan of her work. But I think The Golden Hour is my favorite by her, so far! I love how the idea for this novel came about, too. She and her husband were going to the Bahamas on a vacation without the kids. Her publicist told her that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor lived there for five years as governor, and wouldn’t that be an interesting setting for a novel? Beatriz began doing some research and talked to a few locals about what they knew and this story was born.

Book Review - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

Book Review - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

The Golden Hour is about Lulu, a fictional character set among many real people including, but not limited to, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Lulu arrived in Nassau to write about the Governor and his wife in a New York Society Magazine. Americans back then had an insatiable interest in the royal family (I guess some things never change.) But as she learns more about the couple, she realizes it isn’t all glitz and glamour. She begins to see the darker side of political power including financial affairs, treason, spies, racial tension, and of course, war. Amid it all, she meets and falls in love with Benedict Thorpe who later disappears without a trace. Part of the story tells the story of how Lulu and Benedict meet and the other part is her trying to find out what happened to him.

Book Review - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

Book Review - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

I really adored this book. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I think this is my favorite book I’ve read by Beatriz Williams. It has a little of everything: history, love, mystery, and war. I did think the ending was a bit abrupt, but I think that is because I wasn’t ready to say good-bye to these characters. I wanted to learn more about them, I wanted to see what was next for them. Perhaps a sequel is in the works? I can only hope…

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The Secrets We Kept

The Secrets We Kept

John Marrs

John Marrs