Forget You Know Me
Book Review - Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser
Reading Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser in New Town at St. Charles, MO
I first heard about Jessica Strawser when I read and reviewed her book Not That I Could Tell this past summer. It was a March 2018 Book of the Month Club option and had me totally immersed in the story from page one to the very end. I actually dedicated a whole week to that book with an author interview with Jessica, a book jacket designer feature, and audiobook narrator feature. So when I heard that Jessica was coming out with a new book, I was excited to read and review it!
Reading Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser in New Town at St. Charles, MO
Forget You Know Me begins with two friends catching up via Skype. When one steps away to tend to her child, the other sees a masked stranger enter the home. As she yells at him to leave and that she can see him, he shuts the laptop. She calls the police, she calls her friend, and eventually makes the drive from Chicago to Cincinnati to make sure she is okay. But the secrets this encounter exposes threaten to change both of their lives forever.
Reading Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser in New Town at St. Charles, MO
It seems to me that the suspense genre is becoming saturated with domestic violence, so I was pleasantly surprised that this book had none of that. Yet it still maintained that sense of anticipation as the secrets each character holds reveals themselves to the reader and how they will untangle as the story unfolds. I wasn’t quite as enraptured in this story as I was with Not That I Could Tell, but I still really enjoyed this unique take on the suspense drama - a take that seemed more relatable than the pure evil of domestic violence portrayed in other books. This would be a great airplane read, if you want to pass a long plane ride quickly.
Reading Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser in New Town at St. Charles, MO
It has been snowing a lot in St. Louis lately. The temperatures have been miserably cold and it is hard to find the motivation to get out and take pictures. We stuck around the neighborhood to take these photos, quickly jumping out of the car to snap some shots by this beautiful fountain before ducking back inside to curl up by the fire. I am more than ready for Spring to arrive, I am so over winter.