Family Law by Gin Phillips


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Family Law

Family Law

Book Review - Family Law by Gin Phillips

My first introduction to Gin Phillips’ books was in 2017 when I read Fierce Kingdom, which was her last novel before FAMILY LAW. I adored Fierce Kingdom. Four years later, it is still one of my most-recommended books. I nearly read it in one sitting. The entire novel takes place over the course of three hours and it was tense from beginning to end. Gin Phillips has an incredible way of building suspense. I still haven’t gotten over that novel. So when her publicist reached out to tell me she was coming out with another novel (finally! I’d waited four years!) I dropped everything to read this book.

Book Review -  Family Law by Gin Phillips

Book Review - Family Law by Gin Phillips

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FAMILY LAW is completely unlike Fierce Kingdom, except in Gin’s ability to sink her hook into her readers from the very beginning. I don’t know if I am still haunted by her previous novel, but this book felt tense to me, too. There was this low simmer of danger from the very beginning, but I didn’t know where to direct my suspicions so every character in the novel was suspicious. And to be honest, I’m still somewhat suspicious of most of the characters, even after finishing the novel.

Book Review -  Family Law by Gin Phillips

Book Review - Family Law by Gin Phillips

I never read reviews of books. Which is something, considering I write book reviews, I am a book reviewer. But I sought out reviews for this book after finishing it, because I had to know what other readers thought. And, as I suspected, the reviews were all over the place. Some readers loved it, some hated it. Me? I’m intrigued by it. I have no idea what I read, but I have this lingering feeling of unease. And isn’t what makes a book great, the feeling it gives you? It is the feeling that will stay with you. Gin is a master at making her readers feel things. I’m not sure this book will be one of my most-recommended books like Fierce Kingdom is, but I will keep it in mind for the right readers, those who are looking for something a little different, something that will make them think….and feel.

Book Review -  Family Law by Gin Phillips

Book Review - Family Law by Gin Phillips

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Gin Phillips

Gin Phillips

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