Book Jacket Designs by Laywan Kwan
Judge a Book by Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Laywan Kwan
I am an Associate Art Director at Simon and Schuster in New York City. Although I mostly work on commercial fiction, I have worked on non-fiction, literary fiction, and everything in between!
Book Jacket Designs by Laywan Kwan
Inspiration for Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell:
Most of the time, the content of the book will provide me with inspiration for the book jacket. This time, the crux of the book centered around the disappearance of a little girl. *SPOILER ALERT!* She is kidnapped and kept in a basement where she can only look out of a window and see a cherry blossom tree outside. It also just so happens that the person who has kidnapped her lives in the same neighborhood as the mother, and the mother walks by this house all the time. I wanted to convey the idea of neighbors with a sense of mystery and creepiness. From the very beginning, I tried to incorporate the cherry blossoms into my comps. We went through several rounds of images of houses with cherry blossom trees. And when that didn't work, we moved on to the idea of being trapped in a home with several images of windows or doors. And when that idea didn't work either, I decided to simplify even more and just decided to show tree branches with the cherry blossom petals blowing in the wind - which finally got approved!
Other book jackets designed by Laywan Kwan:
For more about Laywan Kwan, visit:
- Portfolio website:
- Instagram: @laywan_kwan