Book Feature - The Scarlett Odyssey by C. T. Rwizi


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The Scarlet Odyssey

The Scarlet Odyssey

Book Feature - The Scarlet Odyssey by C. T. Rwizi

HBL Note: If this book looks a little familiar, you may recognize it from my 12 Books to Pre-Order for World Book Day post, or my 18 Books Coming Out in July post, or my Books by Black Authors Publishing in 2020 post. The publicist for this book must feel STRONGLY about it to push it this much. This is C. T. Rwizi’s debut novel, too. Can you imagine being a debut author in the middle of a pandemic…I can’t imagine that would be easy so I’m happy to do my little part in getting this book into the hands of readers. Scroll down to read more about The Scarlet Odyssey by C. T. Rwizi.

Book Feature - The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

Book Feature - The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

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Book Feature - The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

Book Feature - The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

From the publisher:

Magic is women’s work; war is men’s. But in the coming battle, none of that will matter.

Men do not become mystics. They become warriors. But eighteen-year-old Salo has never been good at conforming to his tribe’s expectations. For as long as he can remember, he has loved books and magic in a culture where such things are considered unmanly. Despite it being sacrilege, Salo has worked on a magical device in secret that will awaken his latent magical powers. And when his village is attacked by a cruel enchantress, Salo knows that it is time to take action.

Salo’s queen is surprisingly accepting of his desire to be a mystic, but she will not allow him to stay in the tribe. Instead, she sends Salo on a quest. The quest will take him thousands of miles north to the Jungle City, the political heart of the continent. There he must gather information on a growing threat to his tribe.

On the way to the city, he is joined by three fellow outcasts: a shunned female warrior, a mysterious nomad, and a deadly assassin. But they’re being hunted by the same enchantress who attacked Salo’s village. She may hold the key to Salo’s awakening—and his redemption.

Book Feature - The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

Book Feature - The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
C.T. Rwizi

C.T. Rwizi

Kerry Winfrey

Kerry Winfrey