Kerry Winfrey
Author Interview - Kerry Winfrey
Author of Not Like The Movies.
Author I draw inspiration from: There are a lot, but one of my writer icons is Meg Cabot. Her books are funny, romantic, and most importantly, incredibly easy to read. She writes so much and I’m inspired by her productivity!
Author Interview - Kerry Winfrey
Favorite place to read a book: If the weather’s nice, I absolutely love reading outside. With a drink in hand and the sun shining, it’s my favorite hobby.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: You know how in Jasmine Guillory’s The Wedding Date, when Alexa gets stuck in the elevator with Drew, she has a purse full of crackers, brie, and champagne? That level of preparation is something I really like in a person, so I’ll say Alexa.
Author Interview - Kerry Winfrey
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I’ve wanted to be an author for so long that I can’t even remember consciously deciding that. Even before I knew how to write, I used to dictate stories to my mom (usually plagiarized from Disney, whoops) and have her write them down for me.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback! There’s definitely a time and place for ebooks, but I love physical books and I love that paperbacks are lighter and easier to carry in my purse (or, these days, carry from room to room of my house).
The last book I read: Not technically “last” book, but I’m currently reading Real Men Knit by Kwana Jackson!
Author Interview - Kerry Winfrey
Pen & paper or computer: Usually computer, but I have a dedicated notebook for each book where I can brainstorm and try to figure out scenes that aren’t working.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Meg from Little Women. I feel like we could talk about mom stuff, and how annoying her husband was in that scene where she tried to make jelly.
Author Interview - Kerry Winfrey
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: My dream job that I’m in no way qualified for is a music supervisor for film or television. There’s nothing better than when the perfect song plays at the perfect moment in a movie, and I’m always imagining whatever I’m listening to in a film. But in reality…well, I was a customer service coordinator before I started publishing, so honestly, probably that. I don’t like customer service, but I DO have a very perky phone voice!
Favorite decade in fashion history: Basically I would love to dress like a character in the television Freaks and Geeks, which is set in 1980/1981, so let’s say the 1980s. I mean, I’d love to give some glamorous answer, but I’m not a glamorous person.
Place I’d most like to travel: My husband and I went to Kauai on our honeymoon, and I dream about going back someday.
My signature drink: It’s boring, but black coffee.
Favorite artist: I have a small child so most of my favorite artists these days are picture book illustrators, and I love Jon Klassen, Christian Robinson, and Carson Ellis. They all make original and beautiful work with a sense of humor.
Number one on my bucket list: I would love to do a Nora Ephron tour of New York…you know, visit all the iconic spots from her movies. Obviously not going to happen in the near future, but someday!
Author Interview - Kerry Winfrey