Author Interview with Zoje Stage


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Zoje Stage

Zoje Stage

Author Interview - Zoje Stage

Author of Dear Hanna

Zoje Stage delivers another knockout with a blood-chilling follow-up to international sensation Baby Teeth, taking readers back into the unsteady world of a young sociopath who’s all grown up.

Hanna is no stranger to dark thoughts: as a young child, she tried to murder her own mother. But that was more than sixteen years ago. And extensive therapy—and writing letters to her younger brother—has since curbed those nasty tendencies.

Now twenty-four, Hanna is living an outwardly normal life of domestic content. Married to real estate agent Jacob, she’s also stepmother to his teenage daughter Joelle. They live in a beautiful home, and Hanna loves her career as a phlebotomist—a job perfectly suited to her occasional need to hurt people.

But when Joelle begins to change in ways that don’t suit Hanna’s purposes, her carefully planned existence threatens to come apart. With life slipping out of her control, Hanna reverts to old habits, determined to manipulate the events and people around her. And the only thing worse than a baby sociopath is a fully grown one.

With its dark humor and chillingly seductive protagonist, Dear Hanna is a standalone sequel sure to thrill returning and new readers alike.

Author I draw inspiration from:

Josh Malerman. In addition to being creatively inspirational, he writes some truly thought-provoking Facebook posts. In one he mentioned that he celebrates things before they have concrete results—like celebrating a book/script submission before knowing if it will land a publisher/producer, or celebrating an award nomination with the same excitement as winning the award. He explained how if it panned out he'd get to have a second celebration, and if it didn't pan out at least he'd gotten to celebrate. My superstitious brain had never considered doing this—and I loved the idea so much that I've been thinking about it for months.

Author Interview - Zoje Stage | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

My mattress is on an adjustable frame and can become the most comfortable "lounging bed." On a sunny day my bedroom gets great light and it's the best place to read.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

When I was about nine I got stuck in an elevator (with my sister) and it was very scary. I'd prefer such a thing to never happen again, but if it does I'd like to be in the company of an action hero who can Save the Day.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

When I realized I could use all the things I'd learned from filmmaking to create a fully realized written story, more complete than any film I might have made.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I appreciate a hardback with a beautiful dust jacket, but the most comfortable format to read is trade paperback. I don't do ebooks because I don't need more time staring at a screen, and I don't do audiobooks because I don't like disembodied voices.

The last book I read:

The Forensic Casebook (by N.E. Genge). I read this for research purposes and it was very interesting. For now I'll let the info sit in my mind for a bit, as I'm not sure yet if I'll use it for a story.

Author Interview - Zoje Stage | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I do all my writing on a laptop, but all my notetaking with pen & paper.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Franny Stone in Migrations (by Charlotte McConaghy). The concept of the last of the Arctic terns on their final migration is so achingly sad, but I'd stick by Franny's side to document their precious lives.

Author Interview - Zoje Stage | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

Once upon a time I thought it would be really cool to be a volcanologist, but then I became aware of how many of them died on the job. If I was starting over today, I'd want to be in a position to do something to help animals—assisting species in danger of extinction, or caring for animals in a zoo or sanctuary.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

I love how the costumes of the 15th through 18th centuries look on TV, but they would've been super uncomfortable (especially for women)!

Place I’d most like to travel:

I've been waiting since I was about six years old for the transporter in Star Trek to be a real thing. I'd love to go to Iceland, Norway, Sweden—almost anywhere above the Arctic circle—and see the northern lights, but as a hermit it's about as likely to happen as the invention of the transporter.

My signature drink:

Water, water, water. Usually in a reusable bottle so my cats don't stick their noses and paws in it.

Favorite artist:

Billie Eilish! She and FINNEAS are geniuses and their collaboration is so inspiring.

Number one on my bucket list:

I don't have a bucket list as I don't want to set myself up for failure, especially in the face of death. ;-)

Find more from the author:






  • TikTok: @zojestage_author

About Zoje Stage:

Author Interview - Zoje Stage

Zoje Stage is the USA Today and internationally bestselling author of the psychological thrillers Baby Teeth and Getaway, and the psychological horror novels Wonderland and Mothered. Her books have been named "best of the year" by Forbes Magazine, Library Journal, PopSugar, LitReactor, Barnes & Noble, Book Riot, and more. Dear Hanna—the follow-up to her international sensation Baby Teeth—will be available Aug. 2024. She lives in Pittsburgh with her cats.

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