Author Interview with Tom Ellen


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Tom Ellen

Tom Ellen

Author Interview - Tom Ellen

Author of All About Us.

“ALL ABOUT US is 'A Christmas Carol' meets 'Love Actually' - a festive romantic comedy, with a magical twist! It opens on December 24th, where we meet 34-year-old Ben. He's in a slump with his life, his work and his marriage to his university sweetheart, Daphne. When his old flame, Alice, gets back in touch, Ben starts to wonder if he took a wrong turning all those years ago... Everything changes on Christmas Eve when Ben meets a twinkly-eyed stranger who sells him a mysterious watch, its hands frozen at one minute to midnight. When Ben wakes the next morning, he's astonished to find he's travelled back 15 years to December 2005: the night he first met Daphne, leaving Alice behind. Now, Ben faces his biggest decision, all over again...
The book is full of humour and romance, but it also deals with more serious topics, such as grief, toxic masculinity and mental health. I hope it's funny, magical and life-affirming!”

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Author I draw inspiration from: For ALL ABOUT US, I was really inspired by authors like David Nicholls, Marian Keyes, Mike Gayle and Josie Silver - they all write brilliant romantic comedies that manage to be funny, sad, poignant and uplifting at the same time. More generally, I think Dan Rhodes and Sue Townsend are probably my go-to novelists for comedic inspiration - both are ridiculously amusing.

Favorite place to read a book: I like a read under a tree. But the tree has to be just right - good, comfy roots for sitting between, nice shade. Not just ANY tree, you know?

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Probably one of PG Wodehouse’s characters. Listening to someone like Freddie Threepwood ramble on eccentrically would keep me amused and help pass the time. Although it depends how long the elevator maintenance works took to arrive. Freddie might get slightly irritating after a while…

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I think it was probably when I read 'Puckoon' by Spike Milligan at about 13. There's a bit in the first chapter where the main character starts interacting with the third-person narrator: I'd never seen anything like that before - it seemed completely anarchic and hilariously mad - and I suddenly realised you could do anything you in fiction, there were no boundaries or set ways to tell a story!

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback for me. But I’m getting more and more into ebooks these days…

The last book I read: I just finished 'This Time Next Year' by Sophie Cousens - a brilliant romantic comedy, which features the funniest airport security scene since 'This Is Spinal Tap'. I also recently enjoyed 'Homes & Experiences' by Liam Williams. A sort of 21st Century travelogue-novel. It's very, very funny.

Pen & paper or computer: Computer! My handwriting is illegible - even to myself.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Probably Adrian Mole (from Sue Townsend’s ‘Diary of Adrian Mole’ series) or the unnamed narrator from Flann O’Brien’s ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’. Both are quite similar to how I was as a teenager: scruffy, anxious over-thinkers with lofty literary aspirations.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I'd LIKE to be either a professional skateboarder or professional drummer. But in reality, I'd probably be a journalist or a teacher.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I think probably the 1970s. Punk, hip-hop, 2-Tone Ska - what's not to love?

Place I’d most like to travel: Not a very original answer, but Japan.

My signature drink: I’m going with a gin and tonic. Very British…

Favorite artist: William Blake

Number one on my bucket list: A boring author response, but I suppose writing a bestseller has got to be up there…

Find more from the author:

  • My twitter is @TomEllen7

Author Bio: Tom is an author and journalist from London. He is the co-writer of three critically acclaimed Young Adult novels: LOBSTERS (which was shortlisted for The Bookseller's inaugural YA Book Prize in 2015), NEVER EVERS and FRESHERS (nominated for the 2018 Carnegie Medal). He is currently working on his first Middle Grade book, to be published by Chicken House in Spring 2021. His solo adult debut novel is the romantic comedy ALL ABOUT US (HQ/HarperCollins, published October 2020). His second adult novel will be out with HQ in 2022. His books have been widely translated and are published in 20 countries.

He is a regular contributor to Viz comic, and has also written for publications such as Cosmopolitan, Empire, Evening Standard Magazine, The Daily Mash, The Quietus, Glamour, NME, ESPN, ShortList, Time Out London, Vice, Stylist and many more

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Lynn McLaughlin

Lynn McLaughlin

All About Us

All About Us