Sonia Faruqi


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Sonia Faruqi

Sonia Faruqi

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Author I draw inspiration from:  Rachel Carson, especially her Silent Spring book (I discuss Rachel Carson's work in a podcast here

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Favorite place to read a book: At home in bed

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Coralline Costaria, the mermaid protagonist of The Oyster Thief, except that she wouldn't be in an elevator!

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I started writing my first book Project Animal Farm, and found that I love the sound of language.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: The Oyster Thief is currently available as a hardcover and e-book; the paperback will be released later, and an audiobook might be released as well.

The last book I read: I am currently reading The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, and enjoying it. Also reading Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis and Tim Ferriss's Tools of Titans.

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Pen & paper or computer: Computer, always

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Pavonis, a 30-foot-long whale shark who is Coralline's best friend in The Oyster Thief.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: I find that being an author isn't mutually exclusive with other professions. One can be an author and also more! Being a speaker also comes with the territory.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Maybe the 80s.

Place I’d most like to travel: New Zealand

My signature drink: Tea - lots of it, especially when I find kinds of tea I haven't tried before!

Favorite artist: Among writers, I love the style and approach of Ayn Rand, who writes philosophical fiction. I find that it is difficult, but so important, to combine a story with meaning.

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Number one on my bucket list: Not sure!

Find more of Sonia Faruqi, here: @Sonia_Faruqi on Instagram and Twitter, and @FaruqiSonia on Facebook. 

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Author Interview - Sonia Faruqi

Bio: Sonia Faruqi pushes the boundaries of imagination in her debut novel, The Oyster Thief, an underwater fantasy novel for adults and young adults with themes of ocean conservation. Jodi Picoult, bestselling author of My Sister’s Keeper, endorsed the book, saying, “Sonia Faruqi had me at the word ‘mermaid.’ The Oyster Thief creates a lush, imaginary underwater world that somehow manages to reinforce the reality of the need for environmental awareness—it’s unlike anything I’ve ever read.” The first chapter of TheOyster Thief can be found here. Sonia is also the author of Project Animal Farm, a work of critically acclaimed investigative journalism about the world’s food system. A skilled storyteller and speaker, she lives in Toronto. She will be providing exclusive content about The Oyster Thief through her website and monthly newsletter at

(Click here for my list of Best Jodi Picoult Books)

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Nine Perfect Strangers

Nine Perfect Strangers

The Oyster Thief

The Oyster Thief