Author Interview with Nikhil Prabala


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Nikhil Prabala

Nikhil Prabala

Author Interview - Nikhil Prabala

Author of The Duchess of Kokora

The Duchess of Kokora, Phera Ylir Mdana, has entered the marriage games of the neighboring kingdom of Ryene. But she’s not there to woo the dashing Prince Dominic.

Her true objective? To win back one of the other contestants, Lady Rocelle Virae—Phera’s true love and ex-fiancee.

Love proves to be a game like any other when Phera must not only mend matters with her childhood sweetheart, but conceal her true intentions in order to earn votes and stay in the competition.

And as long-brewing political tensions simmer beneath the surface, the playful veneer of the competition begins to crack. In the end, Phera, Dominic, and Rocelle find themselves united in a desperate bid to prevent a duel that threatens the integrity of the kingdom, the stability of the continent, and any hope for a happily ever after.

Author I draw inspiration from:

Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive is my favorite book series of all time, particularly because of its powerful emotional resonance and thematic sophistication. Truly a set of books that leave me emotional every time I read them - I cannot recommend this series more highly to anyone and everyone. It has its problems, but I think it's one of those fantasy series that will truly stand the test of time.

Author Interview - Nikhil Prabala | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

Basking in the sun like a lizard! Ideally on a nice bench someplace or on a stretch of grass or a lawn chair.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Kalladin Stormblessed from The Stormlight Archive!

If anyone could rescue me from a stuck elevator it would be this man, no question. Even if he didn't have his signature powers and abilities, I still would have no doubt that he would find a way to get us both out of there.

I'd also be working hard to try and get him to laugh, not just because it would be a fun challenge, but also because he desperately needs a good chuckle.

Author Interview - Nikhil Prabala | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

As soon as I finished my first ever manuscript! It was back in the summer of my freshman year of high school. And it was... bad! Like it was not well written at all. But I really loved making it, and there were enough bright spots in the work (shout out to my big brother for reading through it to find them!) to give me confidence that I should continue.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I love the sleekness of hardcover but really don't enjoy the heft or the propensity of book jackets to tear. Paperback is convenient but ultimately a little fragile for my tastes (I schlep books around all over the place and though I care for my books, I tend to be a bit clumsy with them...). EBook is great because I can read that on my phone no matter where I am, or what kind of service I have (fantastic for long flights!) but then there's the whole reading on a screen thing, and I'm a fan of having paper in front of me. Audiobooks are awesome for multitasking, but the problem is I read a lot faster than I read so they take forever!

The last book I read:

The last book I read was A Safe Girl To Love by Casey Plett, an anthology of short stories about the experience of trans women. What I particularly admired about the book is how it took an experience that is so often reduced in media into a simplistic binary, and demonstrated the true and human complexity of it. Not just as it relates to gender but the day to day struggle of just being a person.

Author Interview - Nikhil Prabala | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I use pen and paper for when I'm in nature seeking inspiration, and my computer when I actually want to make serious progress. There is something powerful about writing things down with pencil in hand, something very connected and emotionally intimate. But the speed and efficiency of computer really helps to maintain a consistent flow too.

I write in Google Docs mostly so I can track versions and be confident that all my work is being saved somewhere I can retrieve it easily. I tend to ideate and envision scenes for a while before actually sitting down and writing. I put a few scenes down from across the story then work on connecting them to make the first draft.

I tend to work across five drafts in total before going to professional editing.

The first draft is figuring out what the story is really about. The second draft is for cleaning up the mismatches and mistakes I made in that progress. The third draft is about focusing on character and making sure that everyone's motivations, dynamics, and overall vibes are coherent and engaging. The fourth draft is ensuring a cohesive sense of theme is threaded through the book. Then the fifth draft is proofreading, sharpening, and just general polish.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Dalinar Kholin from The Stormlight Archive (I know, it's this one again haha, but it is my favorite!)

I so admire his sense of honor and integrity especially in the face of overwhelming pressure to bend. And while we share a lot of common values, there are a few key differences between us that would lead to some really engaging conversations. We're both people who value that kind of intellectual exercise, as well as people who believe in the existential importance of one's values, and that kind of overlap makes for a truly deep friendship.

Author Interview - Nikhil Prabala | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

I really don't know! I work by day as a software engineer and I do enjoy that. But something that I'm not already doing...? I guess I'd really enjoy being an essayist for some kind of philosophy magazine! I like cutting through the noise and getting to the heart of big issues. There's so much fluff and clutter in some of these conversations and I think I'd enjoy stepping back and offering what clarity I can.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

Haha, I guess the 90's and 00's! Not because we looked particularly good but because there are so many wacky fads from that era!

Place I’d most like to travel:

Italy!!! I speak Spanish and think I could pick up serviceable Italian without too much difficulty. And I love great food and great art, and Italy has both!

My signature drink:

Water! Hydrate or Diedrate!

I'm extremely boring and don't generally drink things besides water, but I do love love love the Strawberry Surf Rider from Jamba Juice! Or an excellent Mango Lassi (although I prefer mango pudding, or pie, or ice cream in the general sphere of mango related desserts).

Favorite artist:

Ah, so hard to decide! There are so many great artists to choose from... To make this easier for myself, I'll simply pick a few that I have enjoyed greatly recently: Porter Robinson (Get Your Wish), Kenny Loggins (I'm Free) and Marianas Trench(Killing Kind)! . In general I enjoy any music that fills me with some kind of feeling, takes me out of my head, and into a place where I can really see a story's scenes unfold.

Number one on my bucket list:

I want to get good enough at the guitar that I can write my own songs! And particularly, I want to be able to tackle instrumentals from video games and movies so that I can live out my dream of being some kind of high fantasy wanderer haha.

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About Nikhil Prabala:

Author Interview - Nikhil Prabala

From playing the DM in Dungeons and Dragons to writing fantasy novels, Nikhil Prabala loves storytelling, delighting in fantasy fiction from the epic to the cozy and everywhere in between. THE DUCHESS OF KOKORA is his first published novel.

Born and raised in Austin, Texas, he graduated from Stanford in 2019 and is currently based in the Bay Area. In his free time he enjoys ballroom dancing, singing, playing the guitar, tabletop games, and spending time with friends and family.

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