Natalie Murray
Author Interview - Natalie Murray
Author I draw inspiration from: So. Many. At the moment, I’m gushing over the writing style of Madeline Miller. Authors should cultivate their own voices and not try to emulate others, but if I could change voices for a day, I’d totally swipe Madeline’s punchy, heart-clutching prose.
Author Interview - Natalie Murray
Favorite place to read a book: A total cliché: stretched out on a sun lounger fronting a white-sand beach with a cocktail in hand, or I’ll happily take the quiet reading corner in our new house after years spent reading in front of morning cartoons because we were squeezed into an apartment!
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Alexander from The Bronze Horseman trilogy by Paullina Simons could work ;). I’d also take Atticus Finch so I can absorb his brain in close proximity, or the Saucepan Man from Enid Blyton’s Faraway Tree series for the giggles, because… you know… trapped elevator—scary!
Author Interview - Natalie Murray
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: The first time I experimented with writing a romantic dialogue scene in a short story involving two characters who had mad crushes on each other but wouldn’t admit it. I fell into the page and felt every blush, butterfly, and heartbeat they did. I was hooked and knew I had to write more.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback—always! Hardbacks: too bulky, ebooks: too untouchable, audiobooks: too hard to listen to with young children!
The last book I read: The Marriage Clock by Zara Raheem, a fellow author debuting this year. It’s such a gorgeous, charming read—I thoroughly recommend it!
Author Interview - Natalie Murray
Pen & paper or computer: Computer. My carpal tunnel can barely handle typing, let alone streams of handwriting. I’m ouchy just thinking about it.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Anne Shirley because shenanigans, or Agnieszka from Uprooted, not least of which is because we share some badass Polish heritage (Poland-inspired in Agnieszka’s case).
Author Interview - Natalie Murray
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: An actor starring in historical romances. Do I sense a theme here?
Favorite decade in fashion history: Sixteenth century court fashions, of course! I can’t get enough of the embroidery, the motifs, the slashed sleeves, the mix-and-match pieces and layering, and the tricks used in clothing to make one appear wealthier. Let’s not even go there with the codpiece *snickers*. However, I’m also partial to a 1960s beehive with heavy fake lashes. I guess subtle is not really my thing?
Place I’d most like to travel: I’m dying to see the Maldives, but my favorite holiday destination will always be Italy... my happy place; my forever fantasy. As long as Italy stays where she is, I’m comforted knowing I’ll always have somewhere to run.
My signature drink: A well-made mojito; an ice-cold glass of white wine; or a strong, Australian-made cappuccino. Slurp.
Favorite artist: Michelangelo for his statue of David. I once stood in the Accademia Gallery in Florence, fighting not to fall in love with a sculpture. Not for its physical beauty so much as the expression Michelangelo carved into the face of a man who had just killed his enemy. Michelangelo’s David looks not triumphant, but… sad. This broke my heart, in a crazily good way. I also adore Henri Matisse for his mastery of balance.
Number one on my bucket list: It's a tough toggle between mastering running and something travel-related, but right now I’d have to say touring the Greek Islands with my sister who used to live there.
Anything else you'd like to add: My upcoming debut, Emmie and the Tudor King, is book one in my Hearts and Crowns trilogy, so there will be three of these stories to enjoy! Think of them as contemporary romances set in the world of Henry VIII, with a fun dose of mystery, thriller, and intrigue.
Find more from Natalie Murray, here:
Thanks so much for having me!
Author Interview - Natalie Murray