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Mary Burton

Mary Burton

Author Interview - Mary Burton

Author of Burn You Twice.

Author I draw inspiration from: I’ve always admired Nora Roberts.  Not only is she a terrific writer, but she consistently creates great books every year. 

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Favorite place to read a book: As long as I have a quiet space, I’ll read.  Doesn’t matter if it’s at the beach, my backyard or in my office.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: If we’re talking about one of my characters, I’d have to say the heroine from BURN YOU TWICE, Homicide Detective Joan Mason.  She’s not only smart and driven, but she has a wicked sense of humor and if you are stuck in an elevator, you’ll need something to laugh about.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I was in my late twenties when I decided to put the stories swirling in my head onto paper.  I joined my first writers’ group about that time, but I didn’t sell my first novel for about eight years.   Since the sale of the first novel, I’ve been working steadily and currently have 42 novels and 5 novellas.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: It’s impossible to pick a favorite.  I love audio when I’m walking or driving.  I read on the Kindle app on my phone at home because I have three miniature dachshunds and I need to keep one hand free to pet, pickup or feed them.   Hardbacks and paperbacks are best for the poolside or beach

Pen & paper or computer: Computer.  Seems I rarely put pen to paper any more unless I’m writing a thank you note or scribbling down story ideas.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Back to one of mine, I’d have to say Dr. Ann Bailey in BURN YOU TWICE.  She’s a forensic psychologist and very intelligent.  She’d be a great person to share a glass of wine with and discuss anything from history to world events to serial killers.  I liked Ann so much she’s going to be the heroine in my next suspense novel NEAR YOU.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: A baker.  I earned my pastry certificate from the University of Richmond about ten years ago.  If I’m not at the computer or I need a plotting break, I’m generally in the kitchen pulling out random ingredients from my pantry and trying to figure out what I can bake.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I’m pretty fond of the 1920s and also the 1960s.  Both decades were major transition points in time and the fashion really shows it with the shorter hemlines, new fabrics and bold colors.

Place I’d most like to travel: Italy.  I had a trip planned for this year but because of COVID it didn’t happen.  I’d love to start in Naples and then work my way up the coast to Rome, Tuscany and then Milan and Venice.  The scenery is stunning, the food and wine are fantastic and the people so friendly.

My signature drink: Red wine.  I love a good red wine.

Number one on my bucket list: Get to Italy. 

Anything else you'd like to add: I also write women’s fiction as Mary Ellen Taylor.  My latest Mary Ellen Taylor novel, HONEYSUCKLE SEASON, officially releases September 1, 2020.  I came up with the first idea for a Mary Ellen Taylor book about ten years ago when story ideas kept coming to me that I knew wouldn’t work in a suspense.   THE WORDS WE WHISPER is my 8th MET novel and will be released in 2021.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Whiskey Sours Without Sugar? No Problem!

Whiskey Sours Without Sugar? No Problem!

Burn You Twice

Burn You Twice