Maheen Mazhar
Author Interview - Maheen Mazhar
Author of Through Her Eyes
This is a powerful story of a strong young lady, from her early life challenges to her high school days through years of college at New York University. Her early life experiences prepared her for a life of willpower, perseverance and tenacity while balancing her American identity with her Pakistani immigrant roots. At times, people saw in her only a reflection of their preconceived notions and denied her individuality but that further strengthened her resolve & determination and brought the best out of her. In this book, she demonstrates how one can find self-esteem and ambition at the same time say no to peer-pressure in high school & college. She does not conform to the standards of the world rather her experiences in life drive her to follow her heart and never conform. She isn't scared of living outside the box.
The book also dives into high school , college culture , dating , partying and everything that young college kids experience. Pain experienced at a young age does something very interesting, It gives you the perspective to look at the world with a lot more depth. Because of her early life experiences, the protagonist never finds herself fitting in to the temporary high school/ college dating culture. Rather she craves a soul fullfilling love , which is something that exists no where in the college culture around her. This book is a survival guide for any young adult in this generation and gives out a great lesson to find your own soul's calling and stay true to who you are amidst the noise of the world.
Author Interview - Maheen Mazhar
Author I draw inspiration from: Paul Coelho - I love the way he incorporates philosophies into his narrative, I do that too.
Others include Elif Shafak, and Elizabeth Gilbert. I love how these authors talk about love with a sufism angle. I can relate to that , because that's also how I talk about love in Through Her Eyes.
Author Interview - Maheen Mazhar | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: My bedroom , with all the main lights off, a nice scented candle and my bed's LED light's on.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: If I were to be stuck in an elevator with a book character it would have to be Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Instead of the story line revolving around a helpless girl who always needs saving , Katniss Everdeen is a hero itself . She's a strong and courageous female that can take care of her loved ones. She has class, integrity, and honor that make her a super inspiring character. And I see those qualities in the protagonist of my book as well. Also I am all about women empowerment so I love it when a girl is portrayed as her own hero, instead of her needing a knight in shining armor.
Author Interview - Maheen Mazhar | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I felt highly misunderstood in high school and college. I always saw myself as the observer, one who would notice and think a little too deeply about everything in life, When I got to high school and college, everyone around me was obsessed with the hook up/ casual dating culture. Relationships ended with in months and people casually moved on. Being someone who's a bit old school and still believes in the kind of love that sparks your soul , fires your fuel and encourages you to be a better version of yourself. Hook up culture/ and temporary relationships was something that never attracted me. I wanted a soul deep kind of connection while everyone else was obsessed with the " sex first, everything else later" culture. I never found myself to be a part of that so I began writing. Writing became my way of expressing anything or everything that I didn't agree with in the world around me. it was something I did for myself, to express my own way of thinking. Never knew back then that I would ever publish it for the world.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback any day! I love being able to physically hold the book in my hands while reading and hardbacks are too heavy to carry around lol.
The last book I read: "Love, Eat , Pray" by Elizabeth Gilbert
Author Interview - Maheen Mazhar | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: I am definitely and old school girl living in this new generation so definitely pen and paper.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Andrea Sachs from The Devil Wears Prada. Being someone who's been a fashion student and works in the Fashion Industry herself. Andrea and I would have a lot of experiences in common. My first internship at a Fashion House in New York City, I did nothing but fix hangers on a rack and get milk from CVS for my boss's coffee. That experiences definitely reminds of Andrea and her experiences in The Devil Wears Prada.
Author Interview - Maheen Mazhar | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Actor or a Fashion Designer - I always found myself attracted to creative things. Even writing was my way of unleashing my creativity.
Favorite decade in fashion history: the 1920's Flapper culture and Coco Chanel's Little Black Dress- forever a classic.
Place I’d most like to travel: Greece has been on my mind for years and it's definitely next when I get the chance to go!
My signature drink: Virgin mojitos or a Pina colada
Favorite artist: Feroze Khan - He's a Pakistani actor , and has been my forever crush since I was seventeen years old.
Number one on my bucket list: Travel to as many countries and cities around the world as humanly possible.
Anything else you'd like to add: I just want to tell people to be true to themselves. The world already has standards for literally everything. Don't be like anyone else. Be like you and while you are at it, learn to listen to your heart too. That's also one of the biggest takeaways from my book Through Her Eyes!
Find more from the author:
INSTA- Maheenm1506
Twitter- @MaheenM23
Author Bio: Maheen Mazhar was born in Lahore, Pakistan and moved to New York with her parents at the age of three. Growing up as Pakistani-American there was always a clash between both of her identities. She graduated from New York University in 2019 and currently calls New York home.