Kelle Z. Riley
Author Interview - Kelle Z. Riley
Author of Royally Scandalized
She never wanted to be a princess, but if the crown fits . . .
After her father's fatal car crash, Jill stopped believing in dreams. Until she became unwittingly embroiled in the politics of the contemporary Kingdom of Melesia and fell in love with a prince. But her commitments to her family and his duty to his country stand in the way of a happily-ever-after. After all, fairy tales don’t come true in this day and age. Or do they?
I absolutely loved creating a modern-day monarchy and having the prince meet his match in a career focused woman! Their strengths, wishes, and even insecurities compliment one another making them a perfect pair. It was fun to reimagine the Cinderella story with modern twists. It's probably too sexy to become a Hallmark movie, but I can dream.
Author Interview - Kelle Z. Riley
Author I draw inspiration from: There are so many, it is hard to focus on just one. I will say I thought of the elements I enjoy by Julia Quinn (Bridgerton Series) while writing this book. I love the tenderness and humor in her books. Although my books have contemporary settings, I try to include the lush, over-the-top fantasies and Cinderella elements found in the historicals. So, you could say they are historical novels with modern plumbing and the internet!
Author Interview - Kelle Z. Riley | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: My favorite place to read is in bed. Before I fall asleep...when I wake in the middle of the night...when I'm almost ready to start my day but want a little fun get the idea.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Hmm, I'm going to show my practical side and say I'd like to be stuck with Jack Reacher (from any of the Lee Child books). This is primarily because I'd want to get out of the elevator and I'm pretty sure he's the guy who can make that happen.
Author Interview - Kelle Z. Riley | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: A part of me has always known I wanted to ba an author. I wrote a play in 5th grade that the school let a few of us produce. Later, I remembered a bit of praise from a 7th grade teacher for a writing assignment I did well. I remember being annoyed when a sophomore English teacher paired the honors English students up so that one good writer was a partner to one weak writer. The teacher deemed my partner and I both "mediocre." I often wonder how many of the "good" writer of the class went on to become multi published authors.
Things crystalized for me shortly after I married and my husband encouraged me to write. He knew I loved words, loved reading, and that I routinely "rewrote" the endings of books, movies, and TV shows that I felt were disappointing. So I credit him with helping unearth my hidden talents and goals.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: These days, I'm primarily an ebook reader. I still have a collection of paperbacks, but I'm slowly transitioning them to ebook. (I'll keep the first in a beloved series and but ebooks for the rest). This evolution was a long time coming and was spurred by my mobile lifestyle and the fact that I read primarily in bed. Having an ebook collection means that I'll never be without my fictional favorite worlds, and that I can read in bed (or on a plane) without turning on the lights.
The last book I read: The Husband (Dean Koontz) I borrowed if from my sister's collection when I was researching what authors put on hardback jacket covers. It was out of genre for me (I enjoy romance and mystery primarily) but I was intrigued. I'd have to say the plot was well constructed and kept me reading late into the night. On the other hand, I found some of the description pulled me out of the story and slowed the action. (Remember how I told you I rewrite the endings of entertainment I find disappointing? I'd rewrite part of the middle in this case.)
Author Interview - Kelle Z. Riley | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Computer. Since I learned to touch type, I find I can close my eyes and immerse myself in the story world while letting my fingers connect my mind to the page. At times I scribble shorthand versions of scenes on whatever paper is nearby and transcribe while adding details later.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I think I could be great friends with Shanna WhelanDraganesti from How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (and the rest of the Love At Stake) series by KErrelyn Sparks. We are both analytical, adventurous (within reason), firecely loyal, and willing to take risks for love.
Of course, I also think I'd be great friends with my own scientist-turned-sleuth/spy from my cozy mystery series (The Cupcake Caper and the rest of the Undercover Cat Mystery series by Kelle Z Riley)
Author Interview - Kelle Z. Riley | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: When I'm not being an author I am a scientist. The job suits me well and engages a different part of my brain. If I could, I'd love to be an actor--one that is able to earn a living, that is.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Today, of course. Why? Because we have the freedom to pull from any age and make it work. I have always hated feeling tied to a current fashion trend. People should find what works for them and stick with it--whether on trend or not. These days I work mostly in leggings and tunics, but I do love donning a formal gown for events when appropriate!
Place I’d most like to travel: I've already traveled much of the world, so I'd really like to go back to the places I've been and take my husband. (I spent time traveling for work--no spouses allowed.) But I have have not yet seen Spain, Egypt, or any of Africa. I'd really love to visit those places. Maybe even go on a photo safari.
My signature drink: Chocolate martini
Favorite artist: Favorite vocal artist: Josh Groban
Favorite painter...I have a warm spot for Jackson Pollack. Mostly because I helped my high school quiz show team win our match due to a Jackson Pollack painting...but that's a story for another time.
Number one on my bucket list: I'd like to go sky diving. Maybe starting at an indoor sky diving range and working my way to a real jump from a plane.
Anything else you'd like to add:
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Author Bio: Kelle Z. Riley, writer, speaker, global traveler, Ph.D. chemist, inventor, and martial arts expert has been featured in local newspapers and on national television. Her varied life experiences have all found their way into her writing.
In addition to her cozy mystery and contemporary romance fiction, she is a contributing author to "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living with Alzheimer's and Other Dementias."
In the Undercover Cat Mysteries, a cupcake baking scientist turns sleuth—and much more. The Cupcake Caper; Shaken, Not Purred; The Tiger's Tale; and Studying Scarlett the Grey, as well as several short stories set in the Undercover Cat world are available at digital retailers or wherever books are sold.
In the award-winning Riches and Royals series, modern career women fall for princes-in-disguise, only to discover that “happily ever after” isn’t guaranteed. Can love transform their adventures into glittering fairy tales, or will their hearts shatter like glass slippers?
A Golden Heart and Feathered Quill finalist, Kelle is a popular speaker and member of the Chattanooga Writer's Guild, Romance Writers of America, and Sisters in Crime.