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Lenore Borja

Lenore Borja

Author Interview - Lenore Borja

Author of The Lost Portal: Mirror Realm Series Book II

The Lost Portal is the second book in the Mirror Realm series. It follows Hadley Caldwell and her band of huntress sisters as they embark on an epic quest to find an ancient relic: the Portal of Osiris. Their journey takes them across oceans, dreams, and time. But to defeat the gods, Hadley must first confront her troubled past. The Lost Portal is a mythology-inspired fantasy full of mystery, adventure, family drama, and sisterhood.

Author I draw inspiration from:

Amy Bartol. I loved her Premonition Series. Think angels and reapers and Gancanagh, not to mention a delicious and fiery love triangle. Her books offered me a much-needed escape at a time when I desperately needed it, and inspired me to eventually create fantastical worlds of my own.

I should also mention Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth. The Hunger Games and Divergent series were my jam, and I couldn’t get through them fast enough. I don’t know which character I loved more: Katniss or Tris. They are both strong and fierce young women whom my characters would revere.

Author Interview - Lenore Borja | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

Any comfy chair by a cozy fire, ideally with a cat snoozing on my lap. Bonus if it's raining or snowing outside.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Linda Voss from Shining Through by Susan Isaacs. (Also a 1992 movie of the same name starring Melanie Griffith) Set during WWII, Linda is a secretary turned spy who goes into Nazi-occupied Germany to obtain information crucial to the Allied war effort. She’s a spunky gal from Brooklyn who is willing to risk her life for a cause greater than herself. I loved her character, and if I was stuck in an elevator with her I’d first thank her profusely for her service, then beg her to let me buy her a coffee so we could chat for a while. I imagine she’d be suspicious at first, maybe even throw me some attitude, but eventually she’d acquiesce—so long as I made that coffee a martini, and called her Linda instead of Miss Voss.

Author Interview - Lenore Borja | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

When I finished writing my first book! I’ve had a few careers in my life. I was an actor. A bartender. A financial recruiter. A human resources professional. But one day in early 2018 I sat down at my laptop and wrote a scene: four girls in the desert, burying a body. I didn't know that scene would eventually become a book—not to mention a series—but I knew it had potential. As an actor, I spent a lot of time writing to create backstories for the characters I was playing. And throughout my corporate career, I’d dip my toe in the writing waters now and then, but I never got further than a chapter or two. I’m not sure why I sat down that day in 2018, or what compelled me to keep going when I’d let distraction win so many times in the past. I guess it was just the right time. I had the life experience, work ethic, and confidence I needed to finally be the writer I was meant to be.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

Hardback: Looks good on the shelf, but can be cumbersome. Not good for travel.
Paperback: Lightweight and comfortable to read, but the spines crack easily.
eBook: Great for travel and reading any book, at any time. But I'll always prefer the feel of a real book.
Audiobook: I don't listen to audiobooks! I prefer to read the old-fashioned way.

The last book I read:

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. Loved it. I found Eleanor to be a very unique character—eccentric and quirky, but easy to root for. It was a fast and enjoyable read.

Author Interview - Lenore Borja | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

Computer! I'm constantly typing, deleting, and moving sentences or paragraphs around. I can't imagine writing an entire novel by hand. I wonder what Ms. Austen or Ms. Brontë would make of Google Docs? I’m on version five of my current WIP, and I have multiple versions of other books saved in my bursting-at-the-seams Google Drive. In terms of my process, it’s changed as I’ve grown as a writer. My first draft of The Last Huntress was over 160,000 words, and it took me almost a year to write. I didn’t know I should be thinking about pesky little things like word count. I just kept writing until the story ended. It wasn’t until I started researching how to get a book published that I realized 160K words was way too big, at least for a debut author writing YA. So I spent another year reworking it to get it to a marketable size. Having been through that, I tackled book two differently. I thought about chapters as I wrote, and kept a very close eye on word count. Granted, I wrote a 120K word manuscript that I ultimately scrapped, but I have a better handle on what works and what doesn’t now, and when to start wrapping things up. (or more importantly, when to kill my darlings) While I don’t follow a detailed outline, I do brainstorm before drafting, and jot down everything I need to remember. The list changes, but I refer to it throughout the drafting phase. As I continue to change and grow as a writer, I’m sure my process will too. But the most important part of any writer's process is showing up, day after day, even when it feels like a slog. It’s the only way to get it done! The rest is just details.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Bridget Jones of Bridget Jones' Diary by Helen Fielding. She's witty, funny, self-deprecating, and charming. She's the kind of person I know I'd have a blast with, drinking wine, snacking on cheese and chocolate, and just laughing until our sides hurt.

Author Interview - Lenore Borja | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

An actor. I love telling stories, whether as the character or for the character!

Favorite decade in fashion history:

Late 50s / early 60s— And I'd want to steal every piece of Midge's wardrobe from the television show, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Even the hats!

Place I’d most like to travel:

Greece. I write about ancient Greek gods, so it's time I get to their birthplace!

My signature drink:

Alcoholic: Vesper Martini (Vodka, Gin, Lillett Blanc, lemon twist) It makes me feel like I'm in a Bond film!
Non-alcoholic: Diet Dr. Pepper (I know it’s bad, but it’s soooo good!)

Favorite artist:

Jessica Chastain. She's a phenomenal actor and I could watch her on screen all day.

Number one on my bucket list:

Travel, travel, and more travel! There are just too many amazing places to see in this world. Oh, and finishing the Mirror Realm series, of course!

Anything else you'd like to add:

I’m obsessed with my cats (Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney), I love popcorn and apocalyptic movies, and I live for overcast and chilly autumn days. Also, I’ll never leave you hanging. My books won’t end on cliffhangers. They might hint at what’s to come, but the main conflict of the story will be resolved. I may not promise a HEA, but I’ll always give you a Happy For Now!

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.instagram.com/lenoreborja_author/

  • https://www.facebook.com/LenoreBorja615/

  • https://www.lenoreborja.com/

  • https://x.com/LenoreBorja

About Lenore Borja:

Author Interview - Lenore Borja

Lenore Borja grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. She attended Arizona State University before moving to New York City to study acting at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After a brief career as an actress, she spent several years working in executive search and human resources in New York and San Francisco. She now resides in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband and two cats. When she’s not writing, she enjoys adventure travel and anything that gets the heart racing, whether it’s hiking, running, or getting lost in a good book.

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