Kerry Lonsdale
Author Interview - Kerry Lonsdale
“An unforgettable and breathtaking novel of love, loss, and the unexpected routes that life takes from Amazon Charts and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Kerry Lonsdale.”
Watch my Instagram Live interview with Kerry Lonsdale, here.
Author Interview - Kerry Lonsdale
Author I draw inspiration from: There are many authors I draw inspiration from and for various reasons, whether writing style or storytelling talent. Some authors blow me away with their marketing finesse. But if I must narrow my choice down to just one contemporary author, I'd pick Barbara O'Neal. She's a prolific author with over 70 published novels, her writing style is poetic, and her stories are pageturners. She's also one of the kindest souls within the publishing industry.
Author Interview - Kerry Lonsdale
Favorite place to read a book: My favorite place to read a book is in bed, but it's not productive. I don't get through many pages before I fall asleep. My second choice, weather permitting, is outside in my yard.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Assuming it's one of my characters, I'd choose James from the Everything series. Of all my characters, he had it the toughest, and he went through a lot of change. I think he'd have fascinating, off-the-page stories to share.
Author Interview - Kerry Lonsdale
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I've always known I wanted to write, and have been writing for as long as I can remember. But my decision to actually write a full novel and get published didn't come until later, almost exactly ten years ago. The exact moment I knew? It's so cliche I'm almost embarrassed to share. I was in the shower. A story idea came to me along with an incessant drive to write it. The rest is history, as they say.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Unless the book is signed, ebook. I always have multiple books in progress but I'm a minimalist. I don't like hauling books wherever a go, and I do love to take them with me.
The last book I read: I just finished Camille Pagan's THIS WON'T END WELL.
Author Interview - Kerry Lonsdale
Pen & paper or computer: Both. My fast first drafts are on pen and paper. I then transcribe to the computer and revise and rewrite from there.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Joy from my latest novel SIDE TRIP. Of all my characters, she's most similar to me.
Author Interview - Kerry Lonsdale
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Chief Marketing Executive in high tech. Marketing was my former career. I'm sure I would have kept climbing the ladder if I didn't take the leap to publishing full time.
Favorite decade in fashion history: The 70s, hands down. I'll take low-rise, flared jeans and a peasant shirt over shoulder pads and big hair any day. Second favorite decade (yes, I'm slipping this in there) would be the 30s. Despite the trials of the decade, fashion was elegant and sophisticated.
Place I’d most like to travel: The Maldives. As much as I would love sightseeing, right now I just want to face plant on a beach.
My signature drink: Frou-frou drink? Mai Tai. Everyday drink? Cabernet Sauvignon.
Favorite artist: Claude Monet. His pieces are pure, and very relaxing to look at. Plus, I met my husband for the second time in one day in front of a Monet at Musee d'Orsey. So, Claude has a special place in my heart.
Number one on my bucket list: ^^^See above. Travel to the Maldives. ;)
Anything else you'd like to add: It's been a pleasure chatting. Thanks for having me.
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Author Bio: Kerry Lonsdale is the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Amazon Charts & #1 Kindle bestselling author of standalone and series-based emotionally charged domestic drama. A mash-up of domestic suspense, family drama, and contemporary romance, her novels straddle genres, and with over twenty-seven foreign language translations, they appeal to a wide, global audience. She is the author of the Everything Series (Everything We Keep, Everything We Left Behind, and Everything We Give) and three stand-alones (All the Breaking Waves, Last Summer, and the upcoming Side Trip). She is also a co-founder of the Women's Fiction Writers Association, an online, international organization of women's fiction authors. Kerry lives in Northern California with her husband, teenage son and daughter, two cats, and an aging Golden Retriever convinced she’s still a puppy.