Karen Harper
Author Interview - Karen Harper
Author I draw inspiration from: Margaret George, among others. Her historical novels focus on real women, as do mine.
Author Interview - Karen Harper
Favorite place to read a book: Sadly, no longer at Naples, Florida beach since we sold our condo there. Now, cozy chair in my office which has six windows—of an Ohio backyard view.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: the charming Frenchman whom Consuelo Vanderbilt married when she finally left her first forced marriage to the Duke of Marlborough.
Author Interview - Karen Harper
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Over 30 years ago, we were in England, my fave place, when I got an idea for a novel, and I’ve never looked back.
Hardback, Paperback, or Audiobook: When I read, I prefer hardback or paper. I used to listen to audiobooks driving to see my parents, but I got too into the story to pay attention to the road!
The last book I read: nonfiction THE QUEEN MOTHER: THE OFFICIAL BIOGRAPHY (big as a phone book!) Fiction: A CERTAIN AGE by Beatriz Williams.
Author Interview - Karen Harper
Computer or Pen and Paper: Definitely computer over pen and paper to write! I began in 1982, however, writing on a legal pad and then typing on an electric typewriter, back in the ‘dark ages.’
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I would very much like to have known Emily Dickinson, who lived such a secretive life yet wrote so many amazing worldly-wise poems. She must be a character in a book somewhere!
Author Interview - Karen Harper
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: high school English teacher. (Actually, I was for 15 years, before writing full time.)
Favorite decade in fashion history: the ‘Roaring Twenties’ when women finally ditched corsets and hobble skirts and cut their hair.
Place I’d like most to travel: The place I’ve been to the most out of the U.S. but love dearly: England.
My signature drink: I’m good with just Chardonnay but I do love Cosmos.
Favorite artist: Monet. So relaxing.
Number one on my bucket list: A cruise of the Great Lakes.
Anything else you’d like to add: I’ve written almost 80 novels since 1982. My favorites are THE LAST BOLEYN about Anne’s sister and AMERICAN DUCHESS—really. Thanks for letting me ‘chat’ with your readers.
Author Interview - Karen Harper